Day #2: Those Who Look Hungry Never Get Fed
One of the first lessons I learned about getting girls was this:
Mindset Shift #1:
“Those who look hungry never get fed.”
This means the guy who walks around looking the most eager or anxious to meet a woman… probably won’t.
Call it the law of the jungle.
But it’s the brutal truth.
It’s like a woman can just smell the hunger on you.
And it’s a massive turn off.
I used to work with this guy Frank.
Frank CONSTANTLY bitched to anyone who would listen how much he wanted to meet a good girl.
He complained how there were no “good” ones left.
Anytime a girl rejected him he complained and looked for sympathy from all the girls around him.
And he never got fed.
It’s like a girl can see how hard you’re trying to score…
And the guys that score the most seem to care the least about it.
A woman should ALWAYS assume you have tons of girls in your life. (on Day 5 I will explain why)
The Fat get fed the most.
It’s the law of the jungle.
I have another friend Cliff.
Cliff is notorious for asking me and my friend’s girlfriends to hook him up with their friends.
The minute he meets one of our girlfriends he’s immediately asking if she has any hot friends.
And he never gets fed.
Because no girl wants to hook her friend up with the “desperate” one.
When you seem too anxious to meet a woman… a few things are automatically assumed about you.
1. You don’t meet many girls.
2. There must be a reason.
3. You have NO POWER within your social scene.
This law goes for girls you’re just meeting as well as a girl you’ve just started dating.
If you ever had a girl who was once hot for you go completely cold…
You probably got too hungry.
Now “looking hungry” comes in many forms…
Sometimes it’s your actions:
- Calling too much
- Seeming too eager to talk to a girl
- Following her around a bar or party
Sometimes it’s just the way you look:
- Absentmindedly staring at girls
- Displaying too much emotion in your face or voice when a girl talks to you
- Getting noticeably upset if she’s not paying you attention
- Leaning in
These things are attraction killers.
Period. No exceptions.
Over the next month you’re going to learn the specific techniques and tactics to get FAT.
And most importantly, you’re going to learn how to make it “EASY” as pie for yourself.
Bonus Technique: “The Sexual Ladder”
By the way, one guy I’ve learned a lot from over the years has a new video up where he does a demonstration of his “Sexual Ladder” technique on his female friend.
The “Sexual Ladder” is a technique you can use to slowly let a girl know that you’re trying to sleep with her, but you’re doing it in a GENIUS way that has her give you permission.
The video above is free to watch, and it will also get you some additional emails from Jon, who is the king of giving word-for-word type of instructions (for those who learn by example).
Make it Happen!
Bobby Rio
P.S. If you want to make it super easy for yourself starting hanging out where the girls are HUNGRY.
Yes. There are hungry girls out there. Hot ones too.
But they are NOT in bars and clubs.
Bars, clubs, and even coffee shops are HARD places to practice meeting women.
Like I said, my goal is to make this as easy as possible for you.
You like easy right?
So if bars, clubs, or coffee shops aren’t where you should practicing…
Then where?
That’s your assignment for today…
In a few days (day 9) I’m going to tell you a few of my all time favorite places to meet women… (you’re not ready yet- got get your thinking right first- that’s what tomorrow’s for)
But today I just want to get your mind working.
I want you to realize that you can actually make it a lot easier for yourself to meet girls.
Think about.
If you ain’t supposed to talk to strangers… who do you talk to?
Who do you flirt with?
Who do you hit on?
I slept with A LOT of girls…
Met very few of them in a bar.
Just saying.
Get out a piece of paper and start brainstorming.
Jot down all the possible places you can meet girls.
But one criteria.
It’s got to be easy to meet them there.
So don’t write “walking down the street.”
That’s pretty fuckin hard.
You’ll give up too quick.
And you won’t learn.
We work on your “inner game” tomorrow.
P.P.S. The magic word for the next 31 days is “Easy”…
Stick with. Don’t skip a day. It’s all designed in sequence. All designed with one purpose. To get you girls the “EASY” way.
Previous Day’s Lesson: Day 1
{ 142 comments… read them below or add one }
I am 68 and find girls of 23 to 84 are attracted to me. I work out. I look younger. I chatted up an 11 just to see at a live music venue I asked if she was a model and she was with a 10 who I ignored to start with, all dolled up which is a good clue. She was up for it but married so a no go for me. She worked out and was 32 but looked 22 her freind who looked older was actually 22.
I found dancing does attract them, sometimes too well. Very few guys dance.
I am fussy.
I have met women up for it in supermarkets, librarys, beaches, live band venues, social clubs, neighbours, in the street, church, museum.
I was shocked that these younger ones were attracted to me and that pickup works.
I am learning a lot and women around me are trying to please me now.
I am just experimenting at the moment.
One imediately said I was mysterious which threw me completely.
I play guitar but I would say this has little effect unless I sing to them.
It is pickup which works best though.
Age appears not to matter.
I have a lot of previous experience with women.
If you get them into bed, make sure you are an expert and they will be hooked for more.
I am very picky so only the very best will do.
I can also see where I went wrong with some of them.
I like the lessons but the trickle of information is too slow. I have been picked up by girls in a bars but no idea how to consistently repeat that. The internet works but it’s a numbers game to find a good one. I will wait for each days lesson to be presented and judge after the test.
Women are just everywhere!
I’m older and women in their late 50’s and early 60’s are just everywhere. Shockingly enough they behave nearly identically to their much younger colleagues.
1) Get a dog (horses are even better). Go for walks, to the dog park/beach.
2) Church. A little religion wouldn’t hurt most of you guys anyways. God wants those women to be happy but He needs you to do your part.
3) For God’s sake take a dance class! Women love guys with even minimal dance skills.
4) Attend local events like community concerts.
5) Swap meet.
I have no trouble meeting women. If I can, YOU can. My problem is I need to develop the skills to stay out of the friend zone. Happens ALL the time.
Live and learn!
I don’t know any places where it’s easy to meet women. 🙁
supermarket(ie. Trader Joe’s)
Botanical gardens
Bowling alley
work(difficult if they preach about “sexual harassment”)
Hey Bobby,
don’t forget that some of us live out in the sticks where you can’t even see your neighbors and there isn’t anywhere within many miles to meet someone… and distance is always a deal breaker. the only time I’ve run into any women close to home is when I catch them trespassing… damn city folk that think any undeveloped acreage is for their use.
The only places i can think of that are the easiest.
Work, Park, Friends, Maybe the mall
How would you meet a girl at the gym that seems to be the hardest place with some of the hottest woman.
Bobby Dailey is right! I have a black Giant Schnauzer, well trained and the women flock around her. Super cute dog. They can’t keep their eyes off her and with that I have become 10 times more relaxed to start conversations with women, with the dog or not.
One thing I want to add to this Orion of “don’t look hungry is … Since we are all adults here and it’s clear that pc has been tossed out the window – I would go further and say “don’t be hungry- if you were starved for food what do you do? Eat.” America is the most puritanical place in the world as far as allowing strip club culture to dominate what would be rocking and cheaper, clean brothel culture in most of the rest of the world – they are counterproductive – paying women to tease and pricey lap dances is paying to make you hungry. As Bobby points out sex is a basic human need – I mean think about it – we are animLs and sex is what keeps our species around – we are “wired” such that after food wTer avoiding bing killed and finding shelter – sex is next most olimportant thing – I’d mix a good clean not too pricey hooker in there – I’m nyc this is easy as pie and vaginal intercourse is critical to our bssic functioning – if you’re safe find a good safe environment and hot girl or 2 ideally a low volume. Woman that gives u validation affection and amazing sex there’s not much risk you’re taking eith law or health and mixing this into the proxess eliminates hunger and puts u in a good frame of mind. U want to be careful not to get attached obviously but once in a while visit to hot vourtesan apartment WIzlL help your game and performance.
Bingo halls and old peoples homes is probably a good start for the virgins. *<:-) Girls are everywhere, shopping is great place, where I think girls are actually already aroused! Maybe that's why they like it so much…
how can i do the tasks if i have a girlfriend!
Hey thank`s guys for all those videos and all the reading parts include in the program.
It`s super interesting!! I am looking forward to use those tools.
Good fucking Job Ha! ha!………
I am a 52 year old man who’s quite experienced with women. Being that I was in a black greek fraternity in college. Yes I did graduate lol! Plus I’m a Navy Veteran as well. So again, I do know a few things about the other gender. Still, I’m willing to learn or try new things, which is why I’m dedicating myself to learning the system Bobby Rio is teaching. Besides, I think Bobby and Rob are insightful and sharp guys regarding women. And I’m honored to be on their team!
Best place to me is SUBWAY / BUS STATIONS… It’s easy to make it look casual.. as we both are waiting for the same thing: transportation… So starting out a natural convo is sure fire.
On Da Beach,
1. There outside.
2. They are relaxed.
3. They want to be seen.
4. There open for contact.
5. They will look there best.
6. There temperature is up
7. Sex on the beach is on everyones mind.
Damn bobbie this one “Getting noticeably upset if she’s not paying you attention” what do you do in that situation? cause when a girl is texting a lot of guys and you are at her side like.. what can i say to get that attention to me ..
That hit me hard.
Anywhere you see humans, you bunch of fuckin cowards!
1. Dance classes
2. Cooking classes
3. When traveling, hostels. You will never meet anyone in a hotel other than the staff. Even if the odd hostel is a bad one, you can bond on the experience.
4. When traveling, any cool small city not in the guidebooks. Any woman you connect with will be curious about you. “Why are you here?” They ask, and are flattered if you can come up with a plausible answer. Years ago, I met a girl in a hostel in Dresden. She was from Passau, so, I went down there to visit her. There I met all sorts of students from all over Europe, and pretty soon I was hanging out with girls who were sun bathing topless, helping them with their English homework.
5. Anywhere where nurses, dental hygienists etc. hang out. Be friendly with one and ask (I need to follow up on this myself).
6. Any cute pet rescue volunteer place. I have two house rabbits, and I usually see cute, childless women of all ages at the rescue center. “I have rabbits,” BTW, is also a great conversation item at certain points.
7. Any class or activity where you are actually interacting and doing something, learning a skill, especially one that is best with two.
8. A secret place, that I cannot tell…
Dog park…done!!!! It’s a superb spot. It’s extremely relaxed environment. Where interpersonal communication & mingling is a naturally occurring reaction amongst the dog owners (which is usually 3:1 girl to guy ratio). Having a dog and especially an adorable dog is a great ice breaker for woman. In my experience woman approach me 5x’s more frequently when I’m in public with 6&1/2pound teacup poodle than when I’m without.
Nah sry that’s not true……….. Nothing that lasts lol……………. I can get women but don’t seem to keep em………….. Regardless of the “I don’t give a crap” attitude .
The overweight get fuck all too……… apparently
One can go anywhere and be successful – a gas station, a store (grocery, drug, dept. furniture, thrift or specialty), even the public library.
Bobby, you spoke gospel. The key is to be out, but not looking like you’re hunting and/or desparate. Women can and do smell that shit a mile away.
Normally I would agree a bar or club is not great territory to be on, but I had more than one experience which dispels it. Fellas, this is not a good practice, merely a matter of circumstance, so don’t go thinking the set was/is a gold mine, but it proves something. The day and eve went like this:
On this particular day, I had been out in the countryside in on and off rain (tried dodging it, but mother nature isn’t always fun, fair or compliant) working on vehicles in the fall. Evening came and I was hungry so I went a couple miles down the road to a bar to eat . Sure, I washed my hands, but was still in my coveralls, smelling like gasoline. Bare in mind, I am in my fifties. Anywho, I entered and coincidentally bumped into a couple from school days, had a nice conversation with a couple drinks and satisfied the grumblin belly.
Here’s the kicker, the place was busy, all kinds of people there, including a buffet of fine looking females. They noted I wasn’t out on the prowl, and as it were, I was the prey. It wasn’t long and nine women were vying for my attention (no, this is NOT a joke, it was freaking reality). Bummer, eh? . . . all grubby and still having a choice!
If you remain calm, have a conversation, tell a joke or two, can pop in a little small talk with some dirty innuendo and be real . . . you’ll come off as cool. Yep, life IS good.
You will do good heeding the words of Bobby and Rob. They have their shit together.
1) Salsathecs
2) banks
3) online dating
4) shopping malls
– when buying womens underwear, stuff to kitchen, jewellery
5) all kind of courses
6) friends of friends
every place, where interaction is required, or is rude not to ask or speak. IE: when you’re attending new course it is OK if you say, that you dont understand or need further explanation.
I can see the truth of this datum….”The hungry don’t get fed.”
Looking back on most everywhere I went I was “hunting”.
Day 2: Assignment Answers:
1. Church
2. Shopping Malls
3. Beauty Shops
4. Banks
5. Supermarket.
I dated a girl for 3-4 weeks, but it did not get to sex. On our last (3rd) date, she brought up the possibility of marriage but said she wanted to “move slow” (in engaging in French kissing and sex) because it takes her a while to develop romantic feelings. In response to my “how long”, she said she didn’t know but that she’d like to keep going out and doing things together (now I’ve been paying) until the feelings came. We were getting along very well (she was sitting nearly in my lap at the time), so I suggested she call me when she felt romantic feelings. To my surprise, she first seemed depressed then angrily texted a couple of days later, in response to a call from me (as we had agreed to remain friends no matter what), that she would answer no more phone calls as she was not the person for me to “chat with about anything.” I did nothing for 3 weeks and then texted “Hey Mary, I was just talking about you”. A week later, I have still heard nothing. She is beautiful and, when not upset, full of life. Would you suggest I do anything more (like send flowers), or just move on? Thanks for your advice.
I have been using your material to work on a woman I have adored for 40 years. It has been working well!! First off though let me clarify that we are both 58 years old. She has retired from the police system where she worked with mostly men and had to be tough to do the job. This has become a problem in the relationship as she demonstrates more of the male characteristics in a relationship than the woman characteristics.
Meaning I think I have things figured out and am applying the things you teach and blam, all of a sudden it is like I am dealing with a guy!! I mean the careless attitude, the bad boy things, the call and text when I feel like it and so forth. How am I supposed to apply the “scrambler” technique when things are already being scrambled? You are exactly correct about emotions being the toughest thing to deal with and that pussy is a brain frying problem!!!
I’m going to preface this by saying that I am TERRIBLE at practicing what I preach:
You live in AMERICA. That automatically means you have it GREAT. Slap a smile on your face, go out there and have a good time. Fuck all of those who try stop you from doing so.
Life happens when you’re doing something else. And success comes to those who are too busy to look for it.
We all have emotions, but the man who shows them the least, wins.
The only thing you need to do here is to forget about her and never initialize the contact to her. If you are lucky, she’ll contact you after a period of time.
If you’ve gotten too hungry and a girl has gone completely cold for you, is it possible to get their interest back? If so how?
I paid too much attention / got needy trying to get lose to someone. Pretty obvious the mistakes I made looking back. Is it possible to reverse that, or has the opportunity gone now?
To be honest i am striking out too much…i am going to give this a chance…can’t run till you learn how to walk…
Bunches of places. Part of this is learning to be your own man. My list won’t be the same as your list. I might go for library or bookstore. You might try grocery, mall, church. I don’t know who is ready for me until I start opening. I’ve had medium success with Craigslist.
Some of this is common sense. Got a date with a hottie because I didn’t send her a picture of my junk – she said I was first of 137 to send a face picture instead. Some is fixing just one thing – often it’s a favorite habit or attitude that kills attraction. Talk to people – find several someones who know more than “be yourself” etc. cliches. Keep learning. Be your own guru.
I say depends on type of woman I’m in the mood for. Pretty slut – nightclub. Smart, hardworking – college, bookstore. Moms – grocery, library, church. Ms. Tonight – convenience store – think about it.
Best place to pick up chicks: Farmers market
I would suggest that you follow Bobby’s plan as he knows his shit
I say the super market and laundromat.
What do you do if you like a girl and start to develop these feelings for her do you tell her right away that you want to be in a relationship? I mean i know all these little sign’s, she shows me she’s interested. When she looks at me and always smiles the way she throws her hair back. Its just everyday i want to tell her how i feel, but always freeze up and think that she will just stop talking to me if i bring that up. I just don’t want to be that kind of boring guy for her. I also never dated before in my life, so this whole dating is freshly new to me. I scored on a couple of times on some chicks. But just feels like i don’t have it anymore like i use too. I’m just kind of in this stage, where i don’t have a clue what to do. Need some advise from the big experts that been in the game business for quite sometime.
I agree. You’re not being open-minded, my friend. You’re running YOUR map and not listening. Hey, if bars work for you, maybe you’re not a representative sample of the average guys on this planet…. which planet are you from?
Dave, love your material and it’s gotten me laid, however… online dating is slim pickings if you’re in a suburban or rural area. I’m in a pretty big city, but there are a handful of hot girls on POF, Match, or OKCupid at any given time. As a result, they are slammed with messages… one girl told me on a first date she got 50 a day her first day, and after a week, 150 a day. She said she picked me and 2 others out of that entire slew of e-mails… but, even then, the response rate usually sucks. Get to a big city though, and you’re rolling through girls like my buddy that lives near Tampa and Orlando!
I think easy would be thru current friends and relatives as they introduce you to their friends.
I’ve always believed bars and clubs are great for the right type of guy.
Bars and clubs are terrible for the guy who gets intimidated and doesn’t enjoy himself hanging out in a bar.
Great mindset lesson Bobby!
I think a good place to practice at getting good at meeting women it would be on bookstore or in a shooping centre ..perfume shop but ofcourse would have to be prepared mentally ..and kick out the negative fear.About online dating I’m not too sure about that.that is another level and some different game tactics may apply , have a good idea of text games or jokes. It has to be different as in real life in a store for example many guys would approach? But online there are to many guys giving attention to girls profiles even without see them in person. Thats my opinion 🙂 we are here to share 🙂
Wow you guys are lame! Even the one’s who think their cool.
Hey my sister was a ballroom instr. So I’ve around Latin Ballroom (salsa, mambo) for more than 10 years now. I cannot tell you how many women love to dance (and I mean really dance not just club booty shake), and are annoyed that most guys they know HATE dancing. Think on this, as the man it is YOUR job to be the lead, and if you are a strong dynamic lead you can pretty much dance with any women, whether they know how to or not. I went to a friends wedding and ended up showing his sister-law how to swing dance. she was like nnooooo I don’t know how, and I said it’s my job to know, all you need to do is follow me. five minutes into some brian setzer she was all mine, didn’t even know it.
I got 2 questions.. 1:When is it time to ask a girl to date you?… 2:can you keep sleeping with a girl you never ask to date you?
cant thnk of much places….may b online dating or jst going outside college campus….inquiring girls about courses college offers nd den making d conversation go foreward…..
@mo Are you sure she enjoyed the sex as much as you did? When you get a girl off really good she will be hooked.
Hey Bobby.. Am a 24year old nigeria.. Am good looking(tall, dark and handsome) but am not very smooth with the ladies and people sometimes tell me i slouch a bit when i walk.. I wanna experience easy interaction with women/girls of different shapes and sizes.. I wanna be able to make them attracted sexually, emotionaly and socially.. Dont get me wrong am not doubting your tactics but i dont wanna end up with the wrong mentality about women.. I’ve had a couple of women in my lifetime but i want more and i want a easier way to get them.. I love women ill like to have them around me but ill also like them to be attracted to me and ill like to improve socially and easily socialise with them.. I really want to have and understand the “inner game” i’ve had friends who will meet a woman and that same night hear them fucking while am outside the room with some other friends smoking.. I’ve always wanted to be the one in the room.. I just wanna get a woman “by choice not by chance” i wanna know where to look for them and how to get them attracted me.. I already like todays lesson am looking forward to the sequence.. But please Bobby life is short and i can only live once PLEASE DONT MISLEAD ME.. Thank you for making this session free on behalf of other nigerians like me THANKS..
straight forward and direct friend. if you can openly express yourself and she wont then she bullshitting and tryna beat around the bush for her own personal gain. Be real with yourself and ultimately decide whats in your own personal intrest. The last thing you wanna do is drag it out for nothing in return
absolutely fantastics
Man, actually you have a long way to follow. First of all, how is your love for yourself? Really, do you work out, do you study, do you have a career.
Second, girl is consequence. Go do what you want to do. I you want some tip, start having dance class and go to dance. 6 months later, if you are a good student of dance, life is gonna be easier.
The Grocery store is what I feel is the best place to meet them.
thank you and give me more tips
thanks man…!!! love u for this 😉
work place… mm…… mm… frnd’s place… or playing sumwer.. or in guitar class
dude…gand mara bc
It all depends of the place where the girls wont be approached by guys. just about any local or community get together. Thanxs
College Campus!
Hi, I’ve a girlfriend for a month or so now, she never explicitly says she loves or wants me, I have told her so few times but she refuses to express her feelings to me, she isn’t shy but she tells me don’t ask me for expressing my feeling, am I wasting my time? or should I have hope? does she want me?
4 days in a week I spend most my time with the girl I like. So to make her feel that I am hungry (I have many girls around). Can I take help from my friends to help me out of this kind of problems.
Thanking you and waiting for your next answer.
Jewel Rahman
that you said is very aperciable&useful;i try to apply your words. tanks for helping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am the member of dance society of my university and there are lots of hot girls who practices with me….. but there is no confidence in me to ask anyone out or even say hey to them….. i know its a great opportunity but i don’t know how to use it!!
Waitin for next part..
hey how about in malls?
I like the idea of not being too upfront with nice women at first, just treat them as one of the gang. Be polite, friendly, approacable just as if they ere new neigbors Thinking back over the girls I’ve met up with in romantic way, the least srtessful were the ones I hadn’t noticed as appealing and so I acted very naturally around them, I would take time to talk with them and discussed their interests, but no more. Then they all approached me in their different ways.
One was my Spanish teacher, two were from a cycling club I was in, another an old girlfriend who I was treating like a sister.
The common thing here was I genuinely treated them in a platonic way, so I was relaxed and natural toward them. I never did anything nice and special for any of them till we were more than friends.
It is because women are about two or three times as good at reading people as men are. It might be something simple, like his tone of voice or the strength of his eye contact. If you are not confident inside, you can never completely fake it on the outside.
But if you want to know my real guess, I’d say that it’s a little thing called pre-selection. Here’s the deal: in evolution, the men who get laid a lot, continue to get laid and have what is called “pre-selection”. It means that because they have been selected for sex by other girls in the past, it makes it an easier choice for women to select him again. Men without preselection have a harder time getting chicks. You have to flip her preselection switches.. This isn’t always necessary, but it is actually one scientific fact which contributes to what Bobby calls “The fat getting fed.”
what you said is true and useful as well. i love to follow your words.
thanks for helping us out.
This is tight, meaning its good food for thought. I finally got dis girl on facebook to finally to say something to me and she is fine as hell bobby lol. I just cant wait til the rest of the days to get schooled on this cause once im done with this im going to take her from her man.
Well. There are some places where girls are counsellors of either some scheme or a teaching course. Or they have somethin to sell u or enroll for.
Lol, it is obvious that you have completely missed the message. Your attitude will always shot in the foot, and you will settle with below average nagging girls… want to bet, asshole?
The assignment: Pool, school, neighbor. Oh and is the gym a good place? I haven’t been to the gym a lot anyway.
I am already nervous just Thinking About her. I hug her a few time but those was awkward hugs. I’m kinda in the middle of the friends zone and the other zone I don’t even know about. It’s like this, when I’m thinking about her I’m nervous and when I’m talking to her I’m not nervous…. My mind is just fucking scared to thing even I’ve already done. But when I’m doing it, it’s kinda like “go” or ” lose her”. Now, how the fk can I get rid of that fear?
Yeah? How much did you pay for this **FREE** stuff? LOL
Relax man!
Plz, let us all hear them. I am all ears!
If u hv such a crush on her, then its almost guaranteed that she has noticed it too. So why not just go ahead and ask her out? Don’t make it an elaborate date.
You need to find out, don’t fool yourself that if u wait n get into that dreaded ‘friend’s zone’, u wud be OK! WRONG!
And no matter whether she is going out w u or not, if she is attractive, guys r gonna hit on her. Get used to it. If she fancies u, trust that she will come to u. U jst hv to be a man (and within t nxt month, if u follow Bobby’s advice, u will b there)!
Do u hv her phone #? If so, start text game (but plz, plz read abt it first as to how to do it right) if u feel nervous talking to her at first.
Good luck!
Maybe in a little different area, not in my 20 or 30’s and almost 40’s so I guess my area’s are a bit harder to find. And as for ppl complaining about this stuff, obviously your probably clueless or you would’nt be here. As for me, im looking, using and changing my way of thinking,
tailor it to my personality and see what happens.. try being out of the
game for more than 20 years restart.. besides no one made you hit
“complete order” lol
this is bull-shit man, he just taking our money, ur fucking bustard.
i hav better ideas than u stupid
Am learning a lot thanks Bobby
you are full of shit, bro…..Bobby’s content is always top notch. If you think that bars and clubs are ‘ideal’ , that’s your fucking opinion, John Travolta…..for me bars and clubs don’t do shit, and the women who hang in there are usually stupid immature sluts, not my type….
wow thats wonderful. am learning. thank u.
Hey let me put it to you like this the bottem line is Bobby is just here to help the people that has no real game plan to give them some direction if you have some experience then you would know that. but if you don’t then here’s my advice go out to your shopping market find a woman you like and ask her has she ever made a certain dish if she has ask how to prepare it then change the subject ask how she learned to cook easy time to tease her and flirt, tell a story and watch her body language and etc…. the point is it’s so smooth and layed back that you don’t seem needy if you do this everywhere you go approach woman you will start to see it’s no big deal and it begins to be fun now when you start having fun doing it then you will be good with woman. Me myself i’m with aleast one sometimes two women a month it could be more but i’m a truck driver and i’m gone alot but the thing is when i’m around woman I just think of any thing that is either funny, flirtacious, or just something I know women should have experience in and there we go conversation with playfulness,I JUST HAVE FUN. JUST SAY SOMETHING. Bobby made me remember to firt more and keep it fun for me cause you won’t do it if you’re not having fun. Once you have fun with it then it does’nt matter where you get the women I just don’t like the club cause I don’t like yelling in someones ear but everywhere else I go there are so many beautiful woman look to your right then to your left sooooo many woman and you never payed attention just listen to these lesson and you will have something to say to them and a style that they would crave. until then i’m still MACKING.
it is fantastic.i really like it,it dose help me a lot,now ,i can talk to women freely
‘If dat is a lesson den we ar waiting ,till de lass day .
The best places to meet girls are as follows:
The mall is defitenitely a huge one because these hotties like to winddow shop.
Grocery stores.
Downtown of your state.
great job Rio.
this area has always been my problem. thanks for sharing. am learning my lessons.
Agreed. Go see Bill’s post at the top. That’s as close as you get. This Rio isn’t really picking anyone up. He’s just writing.
email subject: Women come to you????
the lesson today: Write down where to go to meet women???
Dude WTF?
When you have reached the top. what do you do then?
My guess is you head for the bottom.
And start your learning again.
As bored as you may be
The seed of tenacity is here.
The brother of humility.
What a beautiful pair they make.
Oh and Bill, you’re a tool. Pull your head in wanker.
Hey, you sound like fun. Would you like to meet my girlfriend?
I think Shopping stores and malls movie theaters these are also some gud places you can get gud chicks.
This may not be the lesson I was hoping for, but I got faith. Looking forward to tomorrow. I already found some of your earlier advice to help wonders. Can’t wait for more, thanks man, I think your doing a great thing helping guys like me.
nice i gat you
The answer is more simple and more complex. You meet them in places that interrest you, where your talent lies.
You are a good swimmer? swimming pool.
You like literature? Library.
You have something to tell in a grocry store? Yup…
God, if it’s not in night clubs and partys that we find woman, where is it ? In shoppings ? Well, I can tell you that in my way to the job I find many interesting and sexy women, and many of them give me a lot of signs that they could give me a chance of getting closer. One of them is driving me crazy, because she is so beautiful and perfect that she gets me to nervous to find a way to begin a sexy brief talk with her …
Dude all this is so true reasently had a fucken stunning chick nd sex was awsum nd had a few of them before but I always seem to fuck it up by calling nd sms ing to much nd winde up not being me,the shit hits the fan nd they loos interest,nd I’m sick of that don’t get soft nd show to much of your feelings cause they get board,but I need to get this one back sex was never this gud.advise on geting her interested again ??
no person is perfect, you most see that this man is only trying to help the ones that cannot help them selfs in HIS life. so trying to help otheres is NOT a waist of time .you cannot drive a car in till som one teaches you. Keeping cool is a bit of a state of mind but its also easy to keep oneself cool. breathe Don´t think of the person as a sex tool you Need …we all freinds here that is the key to life..let me
put it like this if the person is sick and needs help your mind set
will be on here safety in till help is there…your mind set is all that matters to the girl :i am all up on this i no you what you like and dont like i respect you as a person…it dos not matter that she is a girl if you win here direction of thinking and make here will be more to here,,,,respect is earned not given.. you want act right in til you get smacked right GET IT,Thank To and the team Norway OUT
i have learnt some skills from your msg, i still believe there is more.thanks
Definately agree. Especially if you cant club dance (which is me) it is a great way to learn. I am taking salsa lessons (level 3 basic) and I am no latino but am having a blast. I am practicing with 10-15 girls some married, boyfriends, etc. but I also use it to practice for flirting in a polite way as well. Did I say your dancing with alot of girls so all you introvert/shy/afraid to approach dancing lessons are a great place to build confidence. Also keep in mind that if you are in a college town they sometimes offer courses and if they have a dance team they probably have some cheap dance night in town. -Lemoncello Rob
At swimming people, and lot of places for individual training
I have to say i crave to be on top, it’s my sole purpose. I will see to it to get girls begging me to be with them , in a seductive way that is. Thanks for the advice.
Book stores.I can ask advice from them,i can chase them play cat and mouse and have fun playing games with Life.anyplace interaction is acceptable,hmm…the lake,hiking,the gym,tourist spots,computer stores,anywhere to ask or give advice.even if youre a douchebag this is Free shit what are you bitching about.Bobby I’ll give you all the feedback i can hands down for your advice.I love challenges and if ya can’t step up step off.thanks B,jth
Now that make sense now.
back then, i wonder what make me rejected by any woman i approach.
This explained everythings.
Many thanks Bobby
Listen Bobby i really need some serious 1 on 1 advice….Can you email me at ( I have this girl and i want her but i need some tips on how to actually get her. Ive had this problem with girls for a while but i get a little nervous around women and i just dont know what to say…So can u email me please.
really, awww , i just wanna see through this from beginning and cant start taking my chances with women
man you are talented and amazing .
useful lesson for me bobby, cheers bud!
two part lesson the “friend zone” later in the series…
Hey Bobby. First of all thank you for your devotion to helping out guys out there. Secondly I want to get out of the dreaded “friend zone” with this girl I’ve know for a while now and she thinks (okay knows..) am too into her. Am afraid if I start showing less interest it might work against me since there’s other guys out there am competing against and am running out of time..
It is going to be interesting…
AH, I was thinking of that….
Got to get off my lazy but and try it.
Was about to say that. Or they are too isolated from outside interaction- either talk all the time with their friends, or on phone the whole time.
But, blah blah blah… worth trying then not trying at all.
well, I am not an expert- I’m hardly dating any girl, but for your case to get out of shyness I think is this – talk to girl like you talk to a regular friend. Pretend she is another guy-friend you know. And talk just the same stuff you talk to your friend.
It does help to relax, and put your mind into no worry state.
Take up some dancing classes, even if you don’t find a girl you like there – there always is a girl or two – , you still add a weapon to you’re arsenal, because dancing, is an excelent excuse to be within the intimate range of a girl and if you’re particulary good at it then at events, that involve dancing, you can get the hottest girl there, if you’re brave enough to ask her out for a dance..
great ,im looking forward to the rest of the 29 days.
“Those who look hungry never get fed.” Where have I heard that before? That’s right. R.J. Shark’s book “How to be the JERK women love” which I read about 16 years ago, and yes, it helped me quite a bit with women when I was in college, that and a cassette tape by Eric Weber. Then again, women in college are usually away from home and more willing to experiment. That’s key, being able to get women in an altered state of mind where she’s more suggestible, and Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction is great for that. Even F.J. Shark was recommending Jeffries’ stuff in the 1st printed edition of “How to be the JERK Women love”. All in all, Neil Strauss (Style) seemed to have a lot of success from getting seduction tips from every source he could. Not a bad approach.
This is to Bob Mohler. I actually solved this issue as I later read on into the 31 days. The difference was in how they acted, my one friend immersed himself into a role in doing these tactics. Joe never practiced and just did this stuff on the weekends, which is why it didn’t work doing it, i.e. not as COOL, he was letting small hints that he was nothing like the front he was putting on. Whereas Caleb did it everyday and lived immersed into a role. Check out the PDF when it comes up about conversations. AMAZING STUFF DUDE! 😀
I was reading this comment from Connor about one guy flirting and getting every girl and this other friend of his using the same strategies and not getting results. How can this be? Will you explain this soon? By the way grocery stores and malls might not be the best places because they’re just there to shop and they walk too fast to keep up.
I try to think of places girls would go like clothing stores, hobby and craft stores…
i need a girl,im a shy guy who gets nervous along girls :S
um, Classes you know? college, maybe.
martial art classes something similar.
extra curricular activities, college clubs.
malls, maybe. dunno, i get nervous there.
grocery stores (strike up a conversation about what they’re buying)
You’re the man! I am a complete novice when it comes to pickup, bt I have some little experience on rejection. I lose a girl that was interested in me because of this lesson-2. Now, I have lent my lesson.
And yh Bobby, I realise that most of this so called strategies and do’s are what we men naturally have in us but we just have to unlock this part of us. (before I started reading articles on PUA) I was completely shit when it comes to picking up women (and I am still rubbish at this), bt all this changed when I met this girl in my college. I later realised that I had used most of this strategies with this girl and I messed up by showing her too much attention.
And about meeting ladies,
mall and shopping complex, libraries, parks, Yoga clubs, College, bday parties. loolz
I am a chic trying to pick up chics 🙂 and this has been good, because they can be hard fucking work and even as one it so hard to work them when it is naturally in you nature to be nice and they mistake it for ‘too keen’. It is a lot harder to meet chics for me, I am attractive enough its just finding places to meet girls that like girls I suppose!
Thanks for your tips, its nice to see that no matter who you are others are experiencing a similar thing elsewhere and have some good ..and bad advice by some comments haha, to add.
Thanks for your input, I like reading what yall have to say.
i think it will interesting .
I am slightly confused on just one part. On the first day he mentions banter and flirting, which I find to be a great way to turn interest into attraction, but how do you divide flirting with attraction and flirting because you are hungry? If you are hungry you will be hungry. Just something I can’t wrap my head around. For instance, when my friend Caleb flirts he looks so damn COOL doing it and pick up the girl, but my friend Joe will say things just the same as Caleb, same body language but have no luck. Only difference…Caleb already has a girl and can pick up more, whereas Joe has never had one. Anyone have an answer?
i am learning more and more every i read your emails.
Sure you can meet them anywhere but the key is to ask them out without anyone hearing about it… Makes the denial less painfull…:)
lines, cash register girls at just about anywhere, waiter at resturant, movie theatre’s, bowling, library, book store.
lots of places, these are just a few off top my head in 2 mins
He already stated that its a sequence if he gave you it all at once you wouldnt learn anything, and also you are saying you know where to meet girls and your all this and that. Then why are you in this course or even look it up, unless you dont know women, and you dont meet them or are just too pussy to meet them. otherwise you wouldnt have even searched PUA’s
pretty simple.. if you want to prove the teacher wrong, do the sum exactly the way they tell you to.. if its a bogus method you won’t get it right ever.. and you prove them wrong, but you can never prove him right unless you completely do what is said.. otherwise you’re screwing up the method with your second-rate wisdom and a little oil ruin a whole lotta ocean.. either way, stop complaining and just do.. if you knew exactly what should be done you wouldn’t be here.. me, im just trying to bump myself up from 5s and 6s to 8s and 9s.. will tell you if this works or not AFTER 31 DAYS..
People bitch and complain without asking themselves if they are a good student! If not, you are not going to learn anything. Accept what is useful, discard the rest!!!
If you think you know it all, you won’t learn shit!!!!!!!!!!
we can meet them in conferences……or libraries…..girls love reading books
Hey I wanted to ask that if I hav a major crush on a girl but a guy is already hitting on her n is almost on da verge of asking her out what should i do ?I know this might sound dumb but I don’t want her to go out with the other guy
outside of the classroom, at work(a lot of old ladies but still some at my age), grocery store, the park, the clothing store( probably great for situational openers)
grocery stores, community college
One place that’s worked for me is the bowling alley. You go with some friends on a weekend night and start getting playfully competitive with girls.
Dave M’s stuff sucks compared to other stuff that’s out there. It’s a lame video where has a PowerPoint presentation where he shows you 2 email messages. he could’ve just put them in a one paragraph email. i’m not kidding, it’s horrible. he spent way more time on the ad than the product. horrible.
what kind of lesson is this? you tell us that women come to us.. you dont explain how or even the concept.. you tell us to jot down ideas.. sorry.. even for rookies this lesson blows chunks.. i know it’s a free course and all but for real.. this isn’t what the greatest pickup artist is made up of.. useless lessons.. sorry.. on second thought i’m not.. the bottom line is you can meet a girl anywhere.. the bus stop .. waiting in line at a grocery store for christ sake. it all starts with a simple opinion opener.. now im going to see what the rest of the 31 days has in store but this was definately a waste of my time.. bars and clubs are ideal.. why not.. your emotions are gonna screw you up.. sure.. but all this time your emotions haven’t gotten you anywhere in life.. so you gotta understand.. when playing baseball.. look at jose bautista for the blue jays.. you gotta strike out a few hundred times.. before you hit the home-run. who cares what a girl thinks of you? if all your confidence is build up on one reaction of a female.. what kind of man are you? look in the mirror and ask yourself? there Bobby.. i wrote lesson 3 for ya right there. your welcome..
he’s not talking about online dating, theres no practice there. Book stores, library, retail places err umm. I’m sure theres A LOT more.
ive picked a girl up in a bar before, walking down the street is the hardest, but internet dating aint good, uve never met the girl for one…….
Of course, you know my suggestion would be online dating….
Can’t beat it.
But I agree, bars and clubs are not ideal