Day #8: Easy Ways to Make Yourself Hotter to a Girl
On Day 3 I told you the secret to ‘inner game’ was to get rid of fear.
And it is.
But some guys will always write me and say “But Bobby, you don’t understand I’m 500lbs, got a face covered in pimples, and I’m prematurely bald… how can you expect me to have self confidence?”
I’m gonna be straight with you.
And I ain’t gonna sugar coat it.
Looks matter.
They do.
Girls are gonna give the good looking guy the benefit of the doubt.
The ‘not so good looking guy’ he’s gonna have to work a bit harder.
Just accept it.
It will make your life a lot easier if you accept the cards you were dealt.
Cuz here’s the thing…
Good “game” TRUMPS good “looks” every day of the week.
Yes, if you want to become INSTANTLY HOTTER to a girl, then here’s how you do it:
- Make her think other girls want you
- Give off the impression that you could easily walk away
- Know how to flirt and talk in an attractive way so that she assumes you’re experienced with women
- Be BOLD, and escalate things confidently with her
- Demonstrate a lack of fear or intimidation around her
I ain’t a bad looking guy. I’m little out of shape right now. My teeth are starting to get yellow. Got me some man boobs…
But growing up I was never ugly. And used to keep in really good shape. Almost compulsively (back then I thought muscles would get me chicks.)
But you know what…
I still couldn’t get ass.
And I constantly lost girls to guys who were lower than me on the totem pole in the looks department.
I used to work at a restaurant with this guy…
He was so ugly we called him “Handsome Nick”
Looked like Steve Buscemi on crack.

Guy got laid like a rock star. Stole a girl from me once.
Because he knew how to do everything you’re going to learn.
-how to flirt in a way that got girls to look past his crooked teeth and pot holed face
-how to build up enough “sexual tension” that girls didn’t care that their friends wouldn’t find him cute.
-how to play ‘mind games’ with the girls so that he was always the one in TOTAL CONTROL of the relationship. (I learned a few ‘tricks’ of The Scrambler from him.
The man was a genius with women.
“Handsome Nick” was the pioneer of “Project Playground.”
It’s too soon to talk about “the playground” but when we do, I will be sure to share his favorite move.
Deadly effective…
But I digress…
Here’s my point.
Just like gaining self confidence when it comes to interacting with girls is all about losing your fear…
You got to lose your fear about your looks….
How do you do that?
You look the BEST YOU POSSIBLY CAN…and you walk around feeling damn proud of how you look.
See most guys… they do the opposite.
They say, I’m fat. No reason to buy nice clothes.
Or they say. I’m short. No reason to work out.
And they walk around with a constant fear over being judged about how they look.
There is an easy way to fix this.
If you’ve read The Game you know that the first advice Mystery gave Neil Strauss was to improve upon his look.
He had the less-than-handsome Strauss shave his balding head, get a tan, grow a goatee, hit the gym, and change his wardrobe.
If you’ve seen the before and after pictures you know what a drastic improvement these simple steps made.

Like Strauss says, You’ve got to present your best self.
Fix what you can fix.
And most things are fixable.
I ain’t saying you need six pack abs.
Remember, it’s all about making this as “easy” as cherry pie.
If a tan gives you a slight advantage. Get a tan.
If whitening your teeth gives you a slight advantage. Whiten your teeth.
If losing a few pounds give you a slight advantage. Lose a few pounds.
If wearing more fashionable clothes gives you a slight advantage. Wear them.
I’m not telling to get juiced up on steroids like some of the freaks you see in clubs.
And you don’t have to ‘peacock’ like like a pickup artist. That’s not my style either.
Just simple ‘fixes’ that highlight your best self.
You get my point.
Think “Easy”
The easier you make it… the more likely you’re gonna stick with this and make it to the finish line.
Make it happen!
Bobby Rio
P.S. There is a really easy way to improve your ‘look.’
It’s so simple that you’re going to kick yourself for not doing this sooner.
It can literally TRIPLE the attention you get from girls.
And it doesn’t involve wearing eyeliner, or goggles, or a pink cowboy hat.
It involves playing off of something my friend Brad P. calls “sexy stereotypes.”
Women have certain ‘short-cuts’ they use to decide if a man is ‘attractive’ or not.
And a lot of it has to do with whether or not he fits into one of these ‘sexy stereotypes.’
Some examples of these are:
Guys with the “wall street” look.
Guys with the “rocker” look.
Guys with the “hip hop” look.
Yes. A lot of girls will give you the benefit of the doubt just because you fit into how they believe a ‘hot’ guy’ is supposed to dress.
P.P.S. Remember, tomorrow I promised to reveal to you my favorite ‘secret’ places to meet women.
Previous Lesson: Day 7
{ 35 comments… read them below or add one }
I have been after this girl in my office for a few months now. The problem is that we have been friends for several years. I never saw her as more until recently. She is currently in blackout. Lately I have adopted the wall street look, which I found out is something she likes. I have not been around her to get a response other than a couple coworkers who have mentioned that she is noticing. That should pay off soon.
In the meantime I showed up on the radar of one of the office hotties that I had never even spoken to. She came on to me. It was just a one time thing, but a couple drinks after work led to me banging her in spite of her having a boyfriend.
Some days work does not suck.
Is there any more details about these “sexy stereotypes”? And how can I react to someone’s comment, so that he will get some kind of message that I answered him?
Thanks for keeping it REAL! I am bald on top, but not quite ready to do the “shaved” look. I do however keep myself in shape and I play piano and sing quite well. These things alone have not always been enough, but they have never hurt me.
Dude you crack me up! Very helpful though.
I agree with Migue. All sales talk and no meat. Can you say “Used car salesman”?
Bobby I’m gonna take issue with the “Rocker, Wall Street, Hip Hop” shortcuts. You dress like you want to attract. If you want a groupie druggie chick then dress like a rock star, if you wanna buy some gold digger then dress like Wall Street, or if I want a ghetto chick then dress hip hop. Sorry man, I’d rather be single than attract girls like that.
You know Bobby,whenever I’m on campus, I dress Urban/Hip Hop and get a lot of friendly or admiring glances from relatively attractive young women…and thats tempting to settle for…but when I’m on the town after 5, and refusing to settle, I go boldly, proudly, and assuredly with my GQ or Wall Street look, and that gets the hot women rather flustered, excited, and falsely protesting too much lol! Startling revelation you think?
Send information…..
Great stuff about sexual stereotypes. Watched “vikings” a while ago and realised that for years I’ve been playing with the idea of getting a kinky haircut and trimming a beard. And there was “Ragnar Lothbrok”. So, milimetered my balding hair, grew a bit of a beard, which I actually trim. Together with the blue eyes it works great, especially in the Latin American country I’ve made my home. T-shirt with a V works also great here, since no guy dares to wear that here (considered gay in this country, allthough girls are craving some style). And so… the gazes I’ve got from good looking women have tripled since… Peace of cake it is. And didn’t cost me a dime.
Hi. The 3 looks above are they the main 3 or the only 3. What about a nice pair of casual shorts, tight fitting quality T shirt and a pair of deck shoes?? Is this considered the nice guy look and no good? is it best to fit one of the above??
I was at the casino tonight, Killing it on the black jack table and winning almost every horse race I bet on. People were coming around to watch it was great, I started trying to use some of the lessons you taught on random girls and for the most part I think I was getting a good response. Until I saw a girl I found really attractive and I said this is it I’m going in, then the fear set in…. as usual, and I choked and could not for the life of me approach her. How can I fix this and get rid of the fear when I matters most?
hi boby thanks man im now adicted to ur programe an i anxiously wait 4 e next day though i mised day 7 so how can i get it
Bobby i’m an independent guy, i have my own place, my own car, i go to college and i’m pretty attractive. But despite all of this i still find it hard to approach sexy girls that i don’t know. I mean i have pulled numbers before and know that once i get in my zone i could be nearly unstoppable. It’s just the meeting some one randomly and sparking a conversation that can turn sexual that i’m having a really difficult time doing… any tips??
To begin with I pull women left and right almost anytime and anywhere I want to. I am only on day freakin 8 of your tips and I had one of my boys put a stop watch on me to see how fast I can pick up this one broad to bring her back to my place and it literally took 38 seconds. Netherless it happened back to back nights with women I haven’t evem met before. I even have them buying me drinks now. Bobby I hope we can club sometime, cause dam we eill
im a good looking guy.and i am the sort of badboy ex girlfriend is hot.when i lost her,i cant find someone else to date can i change myself?
Nvm I found it…
Hey Bobby,
I received lesson 5 two days in a row and now it skipped lesson 7 (I received lesson 6 yesterday and 8 this morning). Where can I access lesson 6’s material?
Otherwise great stuff man!
Thanks iam going to start using all of these and even work out alittle it can help right….
i need help.I’m not that bother by my apperance.It will be great though if I looked more physically fit.You see I’m 19 yrs old,5/7 (135 lbs)and i’m skinny,not like i’m straving but I am having trouble working out.It seems like no matter what i do I can’t be where I want to be physically.I work out 3 times a week,I eat alot(including junk food),drink milk, and i take vitamins.Can’t even get fat for some reason.I bench,I do situps and pushups,& squats.I feel like why even bother continuing working out if I keep seeing the same resluts.No BIG improvments,I used to be more out of shape before, weighing in 122-127.
Man, I’ve been dressing in ways so I could fit into these stereotypes without realizing it. The wall-street and the hip-hop look are the two that I go with. I do get lots of attention from girls.
What a eye opener.
next week we have an entire lesson on how to tell if a girl likes you.
Hey Bobby
This program seems to really be helping me out im feeling a lot more confident and stuff but I do have one question. How do you tell if some of the things you are talking about are working. For example, I’ve been talking to a girl a lot recently and I have been teasing her a bit to start that attraction stuff etc but how will I know if she likes me back??
Thanks Ed
I’m in the UK is, is Brad P’s fashion Bible available over here?
dear master booby , i remove your course #9/10in the spam can you send it back to me into my inbox. oh, yeah. i got a question . how i approach a woman although i’m shy and scared? thanks. raymond 11/4/11
things has drastically change,since i have been following up your programme
yep. I found the eating plan to be the best part of the book.
Bobby I bought the book you are profiling here. The Truth About Six Pack Abs, and all I can say is that has been a huge game changer for me. I just turned 40 and I am in the best shape of my life. Before I started this guy’s eating plan I had a beer gut and moobs. I have seen fast results and feel the best I have in years. I had to cut out drinking and pack food to take with me daily but it is well worth it. I wish I would have gone on this eating plan years ago. It is a lot easier to approach when you feel good about how you look. I can see definition in my gut for the first time in my life. Keep up the good work!
Definently great material here, you even linked 3 other pages to help out.
Awesome stuff man.
I have a two part lesson coming up on turning a female friend into a lover… #1 rule though. NEVER confress your feelings.
what if you have been friends for a very long time, I’m mean for me i kept on confessing it to her that i like her , but i’m out of luck.. i was only her FRIEND what would i do to change it?
Easiest stuff to do is get a new haircut, clean up facial hair, change up your style… even simple things like adding accessories to an outfit can actually make you look more attractive.
Not to mention cosmetic fixes like a tan, teeth whitening
Improving my appearance seems so much easier when you put it this way and literally say, “think easy”. I always get hung up on wanting everything to be perfect and use that as an excuse for not doing anything. Just do what you can is awesome advice.
Thanks Frank
Glad your enjoying it and finding it helpful!
Your program is definitley in the top 5 best things ive ever read about attracting women. I would like to thank you for your 31 days program and its really helping me. You know what you are talking about and your tips are legit.