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Horror MovieWatch: “Paranormal Activity”

img Posted September 22, 2009

Midway through September, and the real movie season is finally upon us. Smack dab between the huge, multi-million dollar blockbusters of the summer and the brainy, mostly-Holocaust-related Oscar bait of early winter is the month/month-and-a-half of Halloween-adjacent horror movies being released. Sure, there’s going to be plenty that are completely atrocious – I’m looking at

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Doin’ It Yourself: The Homemade Kegerator

img Posted September 21, 2009

My first inclination when seeing a headline about any kind of “do it yourself” activity is to immediately close the tab, open up Google, and see how much it costs to get someone else to do it for me. But this one gave me pause for two specific reasons: (1) It seems really easy to

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The Best Lacrosse Fight You’ll Ever See

img Posted September 21, 2009

This one’s been making its way around the sports blogs for the past few days now, and rightfully so: It’s the greatest moment of any lacrosse match you’re ever going to see. To quickly get you up to speed: The video is from Game 1 of the Mann Cup, which is some kind of championship

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Best Fight Scene Ever: “Undefeatable”

img Posted September 18, 2009

This has already been viewed over 4 million times at this point, so there’s a really, really good chance that you’ve already seen it. But, listen: For the 16 or so people out there who have yet to experience it, here’s your chance. It really is something that everyone needs to see and understand so

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Introducing, Your New Internet Meme: Fat Kid Loves Bacon

img Posted September 16, 2009

I cannot stop watching this: The video is obviously from some unnamed ABC (?) reality show about fat people getting less fat, or something like that. Kind of like Trading Spouses, but with fatties. (Feel free to let me know which show it is in the comments.) In any case, it doesn’t really matter what

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Dudes! We should TOTALLY send Zack Morris to Afghanistan

img Posted September 9, 2009

Man, this war on terrorism is about as cool as detention with Mr. Belding. But with Zack’s help, America can turn those jihadists around and have them wilding out like a Friday at The Max! In my completely uneducated and uninformed opinion, we should Zack Morris to Iraq and put an end to this while

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Video Radness: Point Break Re-imagined

img Posted August 21, 2009

Point Break is not that great of a movie. The acting is spotty at best (as anything with master thespian Keanu Reeves tends to be), the script is decent (at best), and the directorial flourishes are no better than your substandard late-80s, early-90s high-concept action movie, complete with slow motion explosions, a shitty soundtrack, and

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Video Radness: Old School Ghost Busters

img Posted August 7, 2009

This. Is. Awesome. A fan of classic 50s movies with a lot of editing experience and the ability to create some low-fi effects has put together the following fan fiction trailer for a 1954 version of “Ghost Busters”. The result? Pure, unadulterated, wholesome goodness: “Dogs and cats! Living together!” The video certainly makes a case

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Viral Video: Hot Girl Makes Trick Golf Shot

img Posted July 9, 2009

Ahh, the weekend. A time to get together with your hip friends in the backyard, grill up a few hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, crack open a few beers, and organize a video that will garner about 70,000 hits in a few days time, making it officially go viral. The thing is, is

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New Sports: Samurai Baseball

img Posted July 7, 2009

We’ve all been there. You and a friend have the urge to get a few swings of the ol’ bat-and-ball in, but you’ve misplaced your Louisville Slugger. So instead of heading over to the local Play-It-Again-Sports you just dust off your samurai sword and take a few swipes at the baseball. Unfortunately, since you’re not

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Learning is Fun!: The Mexican Jumping Bean

img Posted June 30, 2009

Oh, British people! You can even make something so boring (but intriguing!) as a lesson about why the Mexican Jumping Bean jumps at all exciting! This video from the BBC show “Weird Nature”, via The Awl, is best experienced as every British-produced documentary is best experienced, after a hearty ingestion of hallucinatory drugs. The lesson

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