Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted August 5, 2008
Those of you who read my story “The Thrill of Cheating” know how exhilarating and addictive an affair can be. I by no means endorse cheating, and think it’s kind of a scummy thing to do… But I thought this commercial for, a dating site for cheaters, was kind of funny. It does bring
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Posted August 4, 2008
I wrote a post a couple weeks ago about ending a relationship or fling. In the post I talked about the need to be honest with the other person. My feeling was that by being honest with them you give them a chance to move on. This video takes being honest with them to the
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Posted August 2, 2008
If Ashley Alexandra Dupree doesn’t make you proud to be from New Jersey… then this video sure will. Its funny because the mayor of one of these Jersey Shore towns Belmar, NJ recently went public claiming that these guidos from Staten Island were ruining his beach community. The saddest part of this video… is that
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Posted July 31, 2008
We haven’t really heard from Mystery in awhile.. therefore we haven’t posted anything from him. But I came across this video of him talking about the psychology of club game and thought I would pass it along. Mystery is a rock star in the community. Whether you like him, hate him, or a just plain
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Posted July 30, 2008
It occured to me recently that I never posted anything explaining exactly how to kiss a girl. Hahaha… I remember my first kiss way back when and really wish I had someone to have shown me the proper way. This video isn’t the greatest… but it was one of the better ones I could find
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Posted July 29, 2008
I’ve stayed away from posting any videos from David Wyngant up until now. While I always thought he knew what he was talking about… I just couldn’t dig his style. Plus he’s got a semi-corny sense of humor that bugs me in high doses. But what I will say for Wyngant is he that is
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Posted July 25, 2008
A couple weeks ago I posted a hilarious video of that fat kid from The Man Show picking up chicks. It was classic! I searched around and found another video of him hitting of women. This video takes place on the beach and its equally disturbing. This kid is a riot. These videos make me
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Posted July 23, 2008
I know a lot of you guys have been waiting to see Mike Stoute or Bobby Rio in action. Well, here is your chance. We filmed one of Mike’s most recent pick up videos. This one took place in a park. I think its safe to say that Mike puts all the other PUAs to
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Posted July 22, 2008
I found this video on Youtube and thought that some of you would enjoy it. Hahaha… This is just what we need, a theme song. I’m pretty certain that whoever made this created it as a joke.. and it is kind of funny. Can’t you just picture a bunch of the gurus in the video
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Posted July 21, 2008
Mehow has been getting some slack lately for releasing so many products. I have been contacted by him to promote his latest product, Group Attraction. I declined to review the product because, quite frankly, I feel like his Infield Exposed DVD set is more than enough to get a newbie comfortable in the field. Infield
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Posted July 20, 2008
Hey, even super hot model types embarrass themselves once in awhile. The key to embarassment is to pick yourself up and keep on going. Sure Miss USA probably felt like a complete ass, but so what? Who’s going to remember this in a year? I’m only posting this A) Because its sort of funny B)
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