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The 7 Seduction Archetypes

img Posted August 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above

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The Shit Test Formula

img Posted July 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Pass a Girl’s Shit Test What’s the right attitude for responding to a “shit test?” How should you respond when a girl throws one at you? This is a question I get a lot when I’m working with one of my private coaching clients. “Should I appear angry?” “Should I laugh it off”

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How to Arouse a Woman: The Secret to Sexual Attraction

img Posted July 9, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The Secrets to Making Her Horny and Aroused There are few things that empower a man more than his ability to arouse a woman sexually. But not every guy knows which buttons to push, since there seem to be so many, and each chick is wired differently. So to make things manageable, I present to

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How to Appear Less Needy When Talking to a Girl

img Posted June 7, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : I used to get really confused why a girl would so quickly go home with one of these guys. And I was always obsessed with figuring out “what did he SAY that was so special?” I’d watch them talking, and I’d see her reacting to him in a way girls NEVER reacted to me. It

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How To Get A Girlfriend

img Posted June 6, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Find and Keep a Girlfriend You Really Want DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girlfriend? Do you feel lacking inside, and hope a woman will complete you? Are you lonely and lost, and seek companionship and direction? Do you believe it?s the thing to do because all your friends are doing it? Well,

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The Relationship Management DVDs Review (And An Important Lesson About Relationships)

img Posted February 8, 2009

The Un Sexy Subject Savoy first told me about his relationship management program at the Super Conference last October. He asked me if we wanted to help promote it. My first reaction was to think that putting effort into promoting a program on relationships would be a waste of time. Relationship management isn’t exactly a

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5 Best and Cheapest Pickup Resources Ever

img Posted October 16, 2008

With the economy completely in the tank and a recession? depression looming, I thought I'd help out my fellow social artists and budding pimps by compiling a short list of resources you can find on the Internet by paying nothing or next to nothing. Hey, not everyone has $5990 for the platinum level pass for

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Magic Bullets Review- Revisited

img Posted August 1, 2008

With the recent settlement of the Mystery Method lawsuit I became keenly aware of how little time we have dedicated to The Mystery Method. Personally, I don’t care who owns the rights to the name, who developed the material, or stole money from whom. What I do care about is that The Mystery Method works.

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Vince Kelvin Bootcamp Review (Plus Video)

img Posted July 18, 2008

One of our readers sent in this review of a VInce Kelvin bootcamp. I am unfamiliar with Vince Kelvin so I did some research and found some videos of his. I posted one below so you can get a feel of who Vince is. With the influx of new bootcamps I think it is important

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Window Shopping for Women (Ebook Review)

img Posted June 27, 2008

I recently had the opportunity to review Kelly Kellam and Race de Priest ebook Window Shopping for Women. Window Shopping for WomenWe are then presented with several examples of good opening messages. Everything in the message is calculated… even the ending which is designed to further show value. Below is an example: Ending with Gotta

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Bang Review

img Posted June 4, 2008

I had high expectation going into Roosh V’s book Bang. I’ve been a fan of his writing since he started chronicling his exploits in South America about a year ago… And have recently come to really admire the work he’s put out in regards to pickup, dating, and sex. Bang definitely lived up to the

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Conquer Your Campus and College Game Thoughts

img Posted April 16, 2008

Yesterday’s post about Juicy Campus got me recollecting on my college days. I hate to be that guy who talks about “the good old days” but if you’re in college right now… cherish the days. They will end. You won’t fully realize how great you have it until you’re a few years removed from school.

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Why Men Love Bitches

img Posted April 10, 2008

I normally laugh at every miserable attempt to teach women what men want. The books are usually written by some feminist or psychologist who preach the “men are from mars” type fluff. But today at Barnes N Noble I glanced at a book called Why Men Love Bitches… I picked it up just to see

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Mehow Infield Exposed DVD Review

img Posted March 19, 2008

Over the weekend I got the Mehow Infield Exposed Dvds in the mail.  I will give a more in depth review at a later time… but right now all I can say is WOW!!! I was hesitant about Mehow as I’ve found his style to be quite similiar to Mysterys… and it is.  But if

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Master the Vibe-Dynamic Daytime Conversations- Review

img Posted February 27, 2008

This is the third disc from the Master the Vibe series that I’ve reviewed. You can read my other two reviews here. This disc was done in similar format to the others, only this time the two featured pickups take place during the day. One of the pickups takes place in a cafe, the other

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