Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted May 19, 2006
Here is another BadBoy article. I’ve just rediscovered his stuff and have been having fun going out with his mentality. It makes the whole game just different. If you are unfamiliar with his stuff you should check him out here. If you don't have enough girls in your social circle that you can seduce you
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Posted May 18, 2006
As all of you know, I love to post Cliff’s list newsletters on here. I just find that they are like the heart beat of the community. They have been around for a long time now and are always the first to break news of anything new in the seduction community. Cliff’s List Newsletter Sean
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Posted May 17, 2006
I am a big believer that body language makes all the difference in creating the attraction. Girls can tell instantly the level of your confidence, grooming, and over all self worth based on the slightest body language hints. I found this article while surfing the net and thought that I would pass it along to
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Posted May 16, 2006
Here is another article I got from BadBoy. I forgot about him for awhile and have just recently re-discovered him. He definately has some interesting things to say.? His new ebook is also getting great reviews! The Dating Game What to do on a first date is even more important than what happens in the
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Posted May 15, 2006
I got this Dave M, who has course out on online dating. This list of things not to say is pretty basic and my man Michael Stoute with delve deeper into this throughout our podcast series, but this is a good place to start if you are clueless into writing a girl an email for
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Posted May 12, 2006
Badboy on Pickup Systems Lots of guys who are new to the seduction community ask me the same question; how to become a pickup-artist/expert at laying women. They also often ask me what line to use to open, which specific sentence to say, how to make a good game-plan etc My answer is this: the
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Posted May 10, 2006
Hitting on Shy Girls In any group of girls, there’s usually one who’s getting all the attention. You know, she’s really animated, talking a lot, outgoing, a lot of guys are hitting on her. You can bet some of the other girls in the group are kind of shy and are feeling left out and
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Posted May 8, 2006
Limiting Belief Exercise: Write down ten of your beliefs about your inability to be powerful and in supreme control over what is holding you back. – For each and every one of those beliefs, create a make-believe situation where that particular belief is not true and where you’re acting in a powerful way that contradicts
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Posted May 8, 2006
Here is an email I got from Attract and Date. It is a basic little article about appearing more in control and confident during conversations How Learn to talk better Mastering Sub Communication: Posture: Head-up, chin-high, shoulders-back, standing up straight communicates power. Moving, walking, and gestures: Moving quickly communicates nervousness. Moving more SLOWLY communicates power,
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Posted May 7, 2006
Here is another Derek Vitalio article. Act Natural Around Women Most guys are either too nervous or too fake when approaching ladies. But states have significant drawbacks. The only way to defeat all those problems and have success every time is to act in a natural way. Easier said than done but, using some of
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Posted April 26, 2006
Here is a new Derek Vitalio article I think is useful for all the guys emailing me wondering if they fucked it up for good with a girl. I say don’t get all bent out of shape even if you did, there are many many more out there. Anyway, read the article below and keep
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