Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 10, 2006
Here is another Derek Vitalio article. You can always count on Derek to put out some really informative stuff. How to win friend and influence people Theres a popular belief that you need to have a certain approach to have any success. Like for instance, you have to be extroverted and entertaining to get the
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Posted June 8, 2006
This is something I was emailed by Magnus of the Bristol Lair. I thought that this is a great article and definately worth posting. THREE PHASE MODEL by Magnus Outline of my three phase model of seduction The three phases to any pick-up are: ATTRACT: Make the girl feel attraction towards you QUALIFY: Communicate that
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Posted June 5, 2006
Here is the newest Cliff’s List newsletter printed. For those of you who don’t know Cliff’s List has been tracking the seduction community for years and always has its finger on the heartbeat of the community. Always filled with great information. Cliff’s List Newsletter DJ: I wanted to take this opportunity to announce that I
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Posted June 1, 2006
Below is another Derek V. article about seduction. His stuff is definately worth reading. I’d say everything he puts out has atleast a couple good tips you can pick up. Positive Thinking and Seduction Nothing can replace actually going out there and doing something. Nothing. That said, a LOT of learning CAN be done from…
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Posted May 30, 2006
Here is a good little article by John Alexander on overcoming nervousness. I think if most men could just tame this one area of their life, there pick up success would improve greatly. Overcoming Nervousness with Women Standing at the magazine rack thumbing through Cosmo, she has the most gorgeous face you’ve ever seen. Her
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Posted May 29, 2006
Here is another Bad Boy article. I’ve been posting a bunch of his stuff lately and always find some good stuff he has to say. Resistance with women? If you're lucky, the girl you pick is going to be up for a good time and there should be a smooth progression from opening her to
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Posted May 29, 2006
Below is another great article I recieved from Mystery. As all of you know I am a huge fan of everything that Mystery puts out. His book Magic Bullets is on the top of my list of must own books. The article below is about kissing. I think it is something that every guy should
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Posted May 25, 2006
I have to say this is one of the best D. Vitalio articles i’ve read. It is absolutely so true. Escalating Intimacy with touch? The biggest key to a successful seduction is making the right kind of contact from the very moment you meet until you've perfectly hooked your lady. What's the right kind of
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Posted May 24, 2006
Cliff’s List Newsletter CARLOS XUMA ( GET SOME R.E.A.L. CLARITY Is there too much information out there on this topic? Have we reached info-saturation on pickup and att raction? I was pondering this the other day as I was putting together information for a presentation, and it stuck with me. I think that the subject
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Posted May 20, 2006
How to Get a Girl Attracted to You
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