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How to Get Your Girl to Shed Some Pounds

img Posted June 27, 2006

Get Your Girlfriend to lose weigh One of the most difficult things to do is tell your women that she’s packing on the pounds. It happens to the best of them. But it is rightfully our job as men to get them back in form. Below are six suggestions for easing into the topic. 1-

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Neil Strauss’s Top 10 PickUp Methods

img Posted June 26, 2006

10 Pickup Tips from Neil Strauss

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Shy Guy? How To Get Some Guts!

img Posted June 25, 2006

I found this Neil Strauss article on some dating site and thought it was really good. Neil talks about a subject that hits home for me. Over coming shyness. Get rid of shyness Several years ago, a friend and I devised a plan to meet women. Since we were too intimidated to start conversations with

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The Three Sexual Keys

img Posted June 25, 2006

Turning Women On by Derek Vitalio Most men do two but not all three of the keys that lead to constantly fresh and fulfilling sex. Not because they cant do any of them, but because the three key aspects arent linked firmly enough. Once you can successfully balance play, sex, and cuddling, youll be able

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Attraction Defined

img Posted June 24, 2006

This long, but insightful article comes from Sebastian Drake, of the hugely popular Master the Vibe series. Have you ever wondered about what causes women to feel that burning desire to be with someone? How come a man with seemingly nothing going on can get women obsessed with them? Why many men sit in idle

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The Curiosity Hook

img Posted June 20, 2006

Keeping Girls Interested by Derek Vitalio Conversing is hard, sometimes. Sometimes you just run out of things to say. And when this happens while you’re trying to attract a beautiful woman, it usually means death. UNLESS, of course, you are prepared with a few useful tricks to keep ANY conversation exciting and interesting, and get

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Escaping the Rut

img Posted June 19, 2006

Here is a Derek Vitalio article that is definately worth reading. Slumps happen to everyone, even yours truly. The key to success is learning to overcome slumps, and become stronger because of them. Overcoming slumps with women It happens to everyone “ a destructive pattern sets in, and you struggle to get out of it.

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Kino Your Way to the Lay

img Posted June 18, 2006

Here is an article by Super Man I found on The Player’s site. I always enjoy articles that talk about the all important concept of kino. Escalating with Kino Kinesthetics (kino) N: the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body. A lot of you right now are probably asking, well what in the

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Observe, Learn, Initiate

img Posted June 15, 2006

This article by The Player is all about approaching. Approaching is one of the hardest things to master in this game. While there is no subsitute for practice, The Art of Approaching, is a great book to begin with if you are completely unsure of how to go about the approach. In the mean time

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The Definition of a Player

img Posted June 14, 2006

Defining a Player This was written by The Player, and I found it quite entertaining. I’m always into the anaylization of this whole game, so I’m up to hear others opinions on it. I don’t totally agree with his assesment at pick up artists. But I do agree that too many guys spend too much

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Putting Girls on Pedestals

img Posted June 13, 2006

I found this article on The Player’s site and could relate to it well and thought it was worth reposting here. Pedestaling women In this article I would like to bring up a problem that many players encounter in their early days of the game, a problem that can either be devastating to your game

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