Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted October 31, 2006
“That beautiful girl, as intimidating as she may seem, IS STILL JUST A GIRL. She has hopes and dreams. She has insecurities and fears.” –Ross Jeffries
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Posted October 31, 2006
Here is an excellent post from David DeAngelo. Body Language tells a lot more than what she is saying verabally most of the time and it really helps when you get good at reading the signs. Read the reviews of David’s ebook. Reading Women Body Language by David DeAngelo WHAT WOMEN “REALLY MEAN”… I hope
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Posted October 28, 2006
This post was written by Dan over at the Charisma Arts website. I am a big fan of Juggler and his natural game method. Drop Your Defensiveness with Women by Dan Her: So you are just buying girls drinks, trying to get them drunk, and take them home? You: Absolutely not, I think that is
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Posted October 27, 2006
NLP and seduction seem to go hand in hand lately. I am more a fan of NLP for its personal development implications. Bandler/Grinder are two of the founders of NLP and here is a video of them in practice. RXNjvZf4o4A Check out some great books on NLP
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Posted October 27, 2006
Below is an aricle from Derek Vitalio. It is a good piece of advice that everyone of us needs to be reminded of from time to time. Yes, even Bobby! Be Working Many Women by Derek Vitalio Do you remember grade school? C’mon, the dirty knees, possibly a little nap time, the strange recess games?
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Posted October 26, 2006
Here is a post from the always insightful David DeAngelo. Like I always say with David’s articles, once you accept that fact he is mainly plugging his “product of the month” you can always dig out some practical advice. Reading And Using “Sexual Body Language” Body Language is one of my favorite topics when it
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Posted October 25, 2006
Here is a short post from BadBoy. I really enjoy Badboy’s material and recommend his ebook. Making A Girl Happy in Relationship by Badboy A relationship starts when you sleep with a girl. Then, and only then, can you decide what you want to do with her. Each can be turned into successful and happy
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Posted October 24, 2006
Here is a short post from Sebastian at Master the Vibe. Picking a Woman up in a car by Sebastian As men, we’re put in an interesting predicament when we pick a woman up in a car for a date. If it’s a nice car, you can seem like you’re trying to impress her, and
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Posted October 23, 2006
Below is a great seasonal installment of Mystery’s newsletter. All about Bobby Rio’s all time favorite holiday- Halloween. Hallowe’en Tips by The Mystery Method * Kino escalation * "Day Game” * Meet the Instructors: Tenmagnet * New bootcamp cities! Dublin, Ireland. Austin, Texas. New York (those always fill quickly). Chicago. Boston. Seattle. 1. Hallowe’en Hallowe’en
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Posted October 22, 2006
Ross Jeffries came up with the whole speed seduction basis of using patterns in language to seduce women. I’m not really into it since my style of seduction leans more toward cocky/funny than anything else. But I’ve been experimenting with using some pattens in emails i send girls. I will keep you posted on the
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Posted October 21, 2006
Another good Derek Vitalio articles. He does use this article as an opportunity to push his ebook, but I won’t hold that against him, because it is one of my favorites on the subject. The Right Mindset for Gaming Women by Derek Vitalio Meeting and seducing women is a glorious EXPERIMENT. And the guys that
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