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Posted April 28, 2007
Top 3 Seduction Tips by Richard La Ruina Every man wants seduction tips. The problem is that most people giving the tips dont know much about seducing women. Most books on the area are written by psychologists who study the area but dont get laid themselves! The following seduction tips come from surveying guys who
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Posted April 27, 2007
Finally I’ve read something I haven’t heard before. Good newsletter from the guys at Pickup Arts. They discuss role playing during a pickup. The James Bond Seduction by Jay Valens Have you ever wished you were someone else, maybe living the lifestyle of someone rich and famous? Unless you are rich and famous already, the
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Posted April 26, 2007
I love this 10 second tips from Sebastian of Master the Vibe. I may start a daily post called the 10 second tip. Make her say maybe by Sebastian Drake Precedence is of the utmost importance. Once someone says they like or don’t like something, it establishes that preference semi-permanently and it’s hard to make
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Posted April 25, 2007
Finally Sinn and Savoy put something decent in their latest Mystery Method OAP. He Said/She Said by The Mystery Method Longtime OAP members will remember the he said / she said format (I know this because its one of our most popular and were always getting requests for more). First, I describe a dating situation
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Posted April 24, 2007
Here’s an interesting little Badboy article. Breaking Rapport by Badboy This is necessary for creating Attraction and setting yourself up as a challenge but must be done without pushing the girl so hard that she gives up and goes away. You know that you need to be different than all other guys to get a
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Posted April 23, 2007
Here is a Badboy article that is so very true. Me and Michael Stoute were just talking about this very topic. We have different views on this. I tend to agree more with Badboy than he does. Don’t be easy men by Badboy Most guys are just way too easy for girls to get. And
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Posted April 21, 2007
Here are a handful of Openers that Juggler came up with for mixed sets. Mixed Set Openers by Juggler A mixed set is a set that has male as well as female members.] 1. “It’s interesting that when you have a group of four or more people together like this, the tallest always stands across
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Posted April 20, 2007
Sticking with yesterday’s theme of kino and body language I thought that I would post this newsletter from Jay of the Pickup Arts. Perfect Kino by Jay Valens As some of you may know, I spent some time living in Tokyo, Japan. This is where I learned a lot of what I know about women
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Posted April 19, 2007
Here is a really long post I found about body language, kino, and creating sexual attraction. Author Unknown (If you know who wrote this please leave a comment below) If any of you guys remember back to this time last year when I posted “Operation Mayhem” stuff, you’ll recall that I was huge on cavemanning.
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Posted April 18, 2007
I got this tip from Sebastian of Master the Vibe. I think its pretty good and thought Id pass it along! The Shoes off Tip by Sebastian Drake 10 second tip: When you’re having a new girl over to your place, as soon as you walk inside, take off your shoes and say “Shoes off”
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Posted April 17, 2007
Here is a good read from Jay at Pick Up arts. Take what you want by Jay Valens You MUST follow through. There is nothing more important to whether you will get what you want or not than if you can follow through on things that you start. If you don’t, someone else will. Let
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