Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted May 17, 2007
It seems that the guys over at the Mystery Method are finally starting to send out some OAPs worth reading again. This is a great refresher post. Comfort Building Phase by The Mystery Method As most of you should know, the Comfort phase is the 5 th and most important phase of the 7-phase Emotional
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Posted May 14, 2007
Below is an interesting article by Stephen Nash about how a girl evolves into a hottie… I guess by better understanding what goes on in their world, they become more easily attainable. Hot Girl’s Mentality by Stephen Nash Based on years of research, along with countless hours of confusion, I feel, alas, as if I
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Posted May 12, 2007
 Seduction Science Review (coming soon) Derek Vitalio recently sent me his entire library of seduction science series CD programs to review on my site. Over the next few weeks I will post reviews on all of his products. I can safely say that I have looked through the work book already and think it may
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Posted May 11, 2007
As I always I enjoy this latest newsletter from Sebastian Master the Vibe. One of the things I used to always fuck up with was taking advantage of the windows of opportunity that women gave me. And the sad truth is that once the window closes you very rarely get it back. Don’t Blow Opportunities
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Posted May 10, 2007
Here is a quick little BadBoy article that makes some good points. I agree with what he says about focusing on what makes you happy.. Remember you only live one life… make it special. Check out Badboy’s ebook Change Yourself by Badboy Pick up is ALL about mindset, more than anything else. Almost everything PUAs
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Posted May 9, 2007
Dave M of Insider Internet Dating seems to have a good grasp on the online scene… although I still think no one can top Michael Stoute when it comes to pulling girls from the internet. His seduction skills work well online… but until he writes a book I suggest checking out Dave M’s stuff. Below
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Posted May 8, 2007
Here is another cool installment of the He said/she said series that they’ve been sending out in the recent OAPs. I have actually heard that Savoy and Sinn’s Magic Bullets is actually better than the original handbook. Until i review it myself i can’t say, but I am hearing good things…. Examples of a Pickup
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Posted May 3, 2007
I was going through some old Cliff’s list archives and I came across this one which I’ve never read. Being a huge fan of Sosua in the DR and actually starting a real estate business down there I took the time to read it. It is a pretty good description of what its like down
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Posted May 2, 2007
These newsletters are always packed with solid information. I often find myself going back into the older Cliff’s list archives and re reading some of the great earlier stuff that has become a foundation for all the new gurus of today. I even posted some of the best in my Cliff’s list archives section of
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Posted May 1, 2007
I’ve seen way to many friends of mine fail women’s test early on in the relationship and then make excuses why it didn’t work. This installment of the Pickup Arts newsletter covers these tests and how to pass them. Examples of Shit Tests by Jay Valens Welcome to another installment of “Get Into Her Genes!”.
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Posted April 30, 2007
Here is a good newsletter i recieved from Stephen Nash. His ebook is one of the few new ones to come out recently that had anything new to say.How to get a girlfriend is a destined classic. Being a Leader With Women by Stephen Nash If you really want to expand your social circle, you
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