Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted August 12, 2007
Watching Vh1’s The Pick-Up artist last Monday, I have to say that it brought back some not so fond memories. Man, I could feel Alvaro’s pain as he sat there alone struggling the entire night to approach even one girl. I’ve been there. Everyone has. And it fucking sucks big time.
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Posted August 12, 2007
It hurts sometimes hearing what other people think of you. Yes, even Bobby Rio has feelings. Back in the day when I was first discovering that there were people actually teaching men how to meet more women, I was open for any kind of advice. I was a newbie to the community and was devouring
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Posted August 6, 2007
I’ll be doing a review after each episode of Mystery’s “The Pick-up Artist.” I’d also like feedback from all of you on how you think the show was, who you think will be named “the pick-up artist” and how you think this game will affect the community. Feel free to leave comments below. MY REVIEW
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Posted August 6, 2007
I recently stumbled across an ebook by a guy named Cain Cox. The subject of the ebook was peacocking. Anyone who has read Neil Strauss’s The Game or is familiar with Mystery knows how much significance these guys place on peacocking.
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Posted August 3, 2007
Found this great tribute to Mystery video. It is a classic. Its filled with scenes of Mystery and Neil “Style” Strauss sarging babes… There is footage from Project Hollywood. Even a clip of Courtney Love. If anyone doubts Mystery’s abilities check out this video. There are some hot fucken’ chicks in it. _1loAxTH_Jw
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Posted August 1, 2007
I am getting tons of emails asking when Mystery’s new VH1 show starts. The premier episode of The Pick Up Artist is Monday August 6th. I am holding off writing anything more about the show until I see the first episode. I will do a full Bobby Rio review on Tuesday talking all about the
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