Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted October 22, 2007
This story just proves that timing, proximity, and the ability to take advantage of an opportunity that God presents you with is everything in life. Ryan Giles, a nobody drug addict snowboarder, gets high one too many times, maybe gets arrested, and then is sent to rehab… and the next thing he knows he’s on
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Posted October 21, 2007
Just surfing the net before I head to the gym and I found this Mystery opener designed for use at the gym. Its not bad. Here it is for all you gym rats out there looking to score some work out hotties. Mystery’s Gym Opener by Mystery “What you you think about when your working
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Posted October 19, 2007
I’m always interested in fun new ways to begin an interaction with women. The thing is that the best openers are spontaneous… you just have the frame of mind that will allow them to pop in your head naturally. One of the reasons I really enjoyed the Master the Vibe audio I reviewed last week
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Posted October 17, 2007
Woman love power. That is a scientific fact. If you haven’t already read Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power I would highly suggest checking it out. In the mean time here is a quick list I got from Gambler of Pua Training on how to be a more powerful man. Everything on this list is
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Posted October 14, 2007
I had been reading a lot of good things about Master the Vibe on various websites and community forums, so my curiosity was peaked. I emailed Christian Hudson, who along with Sebastian Drake founded Master the Vibe, and asked him to send me a few of their CDs so that I could do a review
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Posted October 9, 2007
I find that getting laid on a first “date” seems to be difficult. Getting laid the first night I meet a woman usually isn’t hard (at a bar, at a party, through a friend) , but for some reason when the night is structured as a date women seem to have their guard up, and
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Posted October 7, 2007
I always enjoy Derek Vitalio’s newsletters and try to post the ones that I believe are worth reposting (which are many more than i post) This is a short and simple article on body language. You have to believe that body language is extremely important when it comes to interacting with woman. Its the first
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