Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted November 9, 2007
Its late. I’m drunk. I’m going to make this short. I’m here alone on a semi business trip in Fortaleza Brazil. There are several 50 year old business men I could be hanging with. I choose not to. Instead I hit the town alone. In the US this would be a desperate act. In Brazil
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Posted November 8, 2007
By the time you read this I will most likely be boarding my plane to the Promised Land….or should I say Brazil. I’m not really up for writing a post before I leave… and I might not have a solid internet connection for a day or two, so I thought I would leave you with
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Posted November 7, 2007
Sebastian Drake of the great hidden mic audio series, Master the Vibe, passed along this quote from the equally in sighful author of The Art of Approaching, Joseph Mathews. I believe this quote nicely sums up why men fear rejection so badly.. “Guys aren’t afraid of rejection. We get rejected all the time -we ask
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Posted November 5, 2007
Day Game 101 Day game is not something that I’m quite familiar with. I’ve always made good use of parties, bars, work environment, classes, and social scene farming…. that I never found it necessary to pick up women on the street. But as I get a little older and some of my previous options are
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Posted November 2, 2007
Cliff just posted his latest PUA community newsletter over at Cliff’s List. As many of you know I always enjoy keeping up with his latest newsletter as its always jam packed with great information from all over the community. There’s a great artice from Real Social Dynamics in the newsletter that gives some good tips
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Posted October 24, 2007
My God if Megan Fox doesn’t motivate you to go out and practice tonight I don’t know what will. She’s one of my new favorites. She’s got that biker chick, fucked half her town, has a history in porn, type look to her. And I love it. Today’s dose of inspiration is Megan Fox pictures.
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Posted October 23, 2007
On this site I continually preach leading women, and assuming that they are ready to take it to the next level. This means lead by your actions. The more comfortable you seem escalating the encounter the more at ease she will feel following you. The important part of this concept to rememer is assume throught
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