Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted December 1, 2007
More ways to to tell if your girlfriend is cheating I ran into an old girlfriend last night. You might remember her from her cameo in this story. Lets just say towards the end of the relationship she was less than faithful. There was that awkwardness last night. Neither of us taking the initiative to
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Posted November 30, 2007
Bobby needs to be taken care of and coddled by a hot super rich heiress. That is my new dream. Anna Anisimova scares me a little with her strong Russian features… but her daddy’s money would make me very happy! How do you say “Can I get a females opinion on something” in Russian?
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Posted November 30, 2007
The fifth in our series of most memorable pick-ups comes from blogger Scott. Scott writes about building attraction, improving your game and seduction over at Underground Attraction. The First Time it Clicked by Scott Like many guys on this site, I came into the seduction community because of a specific problem with my game.? In the
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Posted November 29, 2007
People always assume that because I run a site on pick-up that I consider myself a pick-up artist. I don’t. I will never pretend that I have the “perfect” method of opening, attraction building, comfort building, and ultimately scoring a number or bouncing with the girl. I am nowhere near Mystery’s level of running sets
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Posted November 29, 2007
15 Years too late maybe? But Marisa Tomei naked was something I’ve been dying to see every since My Cousin Vinny way back when. So I was like a kid in a candy store watching her parade around screen naked, taking turns getting plowed by Ethan Hawke and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. She even takes it
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Posted November 28, 2007
The fifth in our series of “most memorable pick-ups” comes from blogger Matt Savage. Matt writes about pick-up, dating, and seduction over at The Night of Bizarro Luck by Matt Savage I’m standing in front of the stage, pumping my fist into the air and rocking out to a cover of Shook Me All
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Posted November 26, 2007
Want an Emo Girl? Then you’ll have to know how to be emo. This video is a hilarious tutorial on being emo. I know a few emo girls that I’m dying to show this to. Maybe it will snap them out of their wrist cutting phase. Enjoy this video solely for the humor as I
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Posted November 26, 2007
As bad as this season has gotten at times I can’t help but watch. Maybe its because they loaded the show with hot chicks I’d like to bang. Tonight might be the last episode for awhile because of the strike.. last chance to get my fix of Hayden Panittiere, Ali Larter, Dania Ramirez, and Kristen
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Posted November 26, 2007
The fourth in our series of “most memorable pick-ups” comes from blogger Roosh Valizadeh. He’s currently blogging about his trip across South America on his website He is also the author of Bang, The average man’s modern guide to getting laid. “The Giants” by Roosh Valizadeh It was the worst haircut of my life.
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Posted November 24, 2007
Should you record your pick-ups? Most of you who have read my review of Master the Vibe know what a great resource I believe the audio provides. The huge benefit of listening to Christian Hudson and friends pick up women is that you get to see all those tools you’ve learned in action. On each
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