Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted April 14, 2008
Here is another of the incredibly popular column’s by Sebastian Drake, of Master th Vibe. If you like his writing you should hear him in action. The Shrug by Sebastian Drake Your secret weapon. Shrugging. Can’t stress it enough – shrugging is the ONLY way to deal with a variety of messy questions without getting
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Posted April 13, 2008
This article was submitted the site over the weekend. It was anonymous so I am not sure where it came from, but I did think it is an interesting article. Jeanna Bryner LiveScience Staff Writer Thu Apr 10, 11:25 AM ET Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a
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Posted April 12, 2008
If you are relatively inexperienced with women then you need to practice talking to them. There is no two ways about it. You can read every article on here, listen to all our podcasts… but the only way you will get better with women is to practice. There are many different areas that may be
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Posted April 10, 2008
I normally laugh at every miserable attempt to teach women what men want. The books are usually written by some feminist or psychologist who preach the “men are from mars” type fluff. But today at Barnes N Noble I glanced at a book called Why Men Love Bitches… I picked it up just to see
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Posted April 10, 2008
Lately, guys are all complaining about how seduction is going “Main Stream” and sites like ours or shows like Mystery VH1 will “destroy” the community. What a bunch of bullsh*t! The only guys who are worried about this are the ones who generally have little or no Inner Game. Men who have established their own
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Posted April 9, 2008
Seraf sent in this article on wingman advice for a newbie. He brings up some excellent points. If any of you have an original article that you would like to submit to TSB Magazine please send it to bobby(at) Wingman Advice by Seraf Winging Advice As far as winging goes, most newbies will make a
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Posted April 8, 2008
Here is another of Sebastian Drake’s weekly column here at TSB Magazine. I look forward to this column because you can be sure that Drake is going to give you something that you can go out and use immediately. If you want to hear Sebsastian in action check out his great Master the Vibe program.
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Posted April 7, 2008
Text messages are the easiest way to shoot yourself in the foot. This is because unless you’re continually cleaning out your sent messages and your inbox, you’ve created a paper trail of everyone you’ve talked to. This is particularly dangerous when you’re juggling multiple girls. Don’t think for a minute that a chick won’t hesitate
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Posted April 3, 2008
The following article is from a good friend of Mike and I. Justin was one of the original guys that I got into the community with 10 years ago… I’ve wrote about some of our adventures in my Early Days series. We were the three guys that changed many people’s perception of game back in
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Posted April 1, 2008
March is over… Here are the winners for March’s Top Commentor Contest 1st: Roman wins Blissnosis 2nd: Zeo wins Digital recorder 3rd : Teddy wins Bang 4th: Eddy wins Boyfriend Experience We also still owe Thumbs last months prize Ultimate April Contest Mike and I decided to do something special for the April contest. This
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