Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted May 21, 2008
I came across this article while browsing (using Stumble! thx TSB) and found it very interesting. It’s unknown to me if they are aware of the “Community” and associated jargon but these scientists use similar (and sometimes the same) terms and ideas.I also learned some new skills (and disagreed with a few of their suggestions).
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Posted May 19, 2008
Live With Passion I originally sent this out to our newsletter recipients, but we’ve been having problems with the system, so I thought I would post this today. The first time I heard that phrase it was from an Anthony Robbins CD. At the time, although I found it motivating, I didn’t truly grasp the
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Posted May 18, 2008
Books and audio courses can only take you so far in your journey to become better with women. Many of these courses talk about body language, posture, tonality… but don’t give you the tools to truly change yourself. I admit it. At times I have brutally bad posture… I mumble when I talk, my body
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Posted May 16, 2008
Recently I asked Street Kid Alex from Pua Training do write a guest post here at TSB Magazine. Pua Training is known world wide for their incredible bootcamps… and I wanted to see if he could pass along some of what he’s found to be the most importance advice in teaching men. The Perfectly Calibrated
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Posted May 14, 2008
I got another great article from Chase Amante of Master the Vibe… between Chase and Sebastian, Master the Vibe continues to impress me with their insightful and practical advice. Personally I’ve always sort of hated going out to bars and clubs alone. For me, going out was always more about having a good time with
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Posted May 13, 2008
I got this email from RSD in which Jeffy gives some solid advice on frame control, kino, and facial expressions. What caught my attention about the article was the mention of facial expressions. This is CRUCIAL and most people don’t pay attention to it. I know that I have a habit of displaying boredom without
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Posted May 9, 2008
This is another post sent in by Roosh V. I’ve been a big fan of Roosh’s for awhile now, and have always enjoyed his take on meeting women. Roosh’s advice is some of the most practical commonsense approach that I’ve come across. I highly recommend his book Bang for guys looking to read a fun
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Posted May 8, 2008
Passion can be associated to almost any aspect in life. Passion about work, passion about sports teams, passion about hobbies and so on…People can see your true colors when your passion runs deep for something, and a lot of times this “passion” for something will attract people to you. Let’s focus on how passion can
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Posted May 5, 2008
Christian Hudson, formerly of Master the Vibe, has started a new site called The Social Man. I’ve always been a fan of Christian’s work and am looking forward to what he will be coming out with. Christian sent in this short post about flirting with a girl you’ve just met. I love quick tips like
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