Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 28, 2008
This is the 13th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. The last several lessons have concentrated on tips for improving your game. Today’s lesson takes a little different approach as it teaches you how to create an environment conducive to good gaming. Today’s lesson was sent in by Pua Training instructor AFC
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Posted June 27, 2008
I recently had the opportunity to review Kelly Kellam and Race de Priest ebook Window Shopping for Women. Window Shopping for WomenWe are then presented with several examples of good opening messages. Everything in the message is calculated… even the ending which is designed to further show value. Below is an example: Ending with Gotta
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Posted June 26, 2008
Let’s reach into the mailbag for a new question… A lot of my friends seem perfectly content with settling down with girlfriends and hanging up the spurs completely, but I can never seem to pull it off. I’ll get in a relationship, be happy with it for a while, but inevitably the itch comes back
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Posted June 26, 2008
We’re at the 12th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. Yesterday The Asian Rake gave us a great lesson on how higher status men need to pull girls in more. One of the trademarks of higher status men is their confident alpha body language. These men can command the attention of a
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Posted June 25, 2008
Women want real men but in today’s society that is damn hard to find. Women have lost faith, respect, trust and especially ATTRACTION for the mamma’s boys that walk the streets today-ones who should be checking female on their physical form instead of male. Most “men” haven’t the slightest clue on how to be a
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Posted June 25, 2008
We’re at the 11th day of our series 31 Days to Better Game. By now you should be actively out approaching girls. Today’s lesson is on using the 80/20 rule in regards to push-pull and cocky-funny. The lesson was sent in by The Asian Rake. The Asian Rake is a university professor and dating consultant
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Posted June 25, 2008
Slumps are a part of human nature. We all go through them. Sometimes we get in a financial slump where we improving the other areas later on. It’s quite possible that you’ll find the mere habit of working out daily will motivate you to meet more people and get your finances in order. 4. Get
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Posted June 24, 2008
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been a three pump chump. I’d say pretty much everyone reading this (who’s had sex) has had the misfortune of blowing their load a tad bit too early. It’s frustrating and embarrassing no doubt. And it definitely won’t increase your chances of sticking your wilie in the girl again…but
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Posted June 24, 2008
We are at the 10th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. The last few lessons have dealt with improving your conversation skills. A lot of the advice about improving conversation skills has included the idea of making women laugh. I’ve asked Barry Kirkey (Extramask,Twentysix) of Revolution 31 to write a lesson about
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Posted June 23, 2008
Today is the 9th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. The last few days we’ve covered approaching, flirting, and connecting during a conversation. Today’s lesson comes to us by T. from the human nature blog The Rawness. T gives us a complete tutorial on building comfort with women. How to Build Comfort
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Posted June 21, 2008
I will admit… I am a massage junkie I’ve blown more money than I care to admit getting my body rubbed down by trained professionals (and some not so professionals:) I can safely say that one of the most erotic parts of the massage is when the masseuse concentrates on my hands. It will drive
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