Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted August 1, 2008
With the recent settlement of the Mystery Method lawsuit I became keenly aware of how little time we have dedicated to The Mystery Method. Personally, I don’t care who owns the rights to the name, who developed the material, or stole money from whom. What I do care about is that The Mystery Method works.
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Posted July 31, 2008
An Egyptian immigrant writes to me with some self-limiting beliefs and questioning whether the “community” even exists in real life… Hey Rooshman, I’m a 24 years old Egyptian guy that came to America two years ago, and so far having great difficulty getting laid. I mean difficulty in getting laid by the girls I want
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Posted July 30, 2008
Inner game is not about succeeding every time. In order to be as good a baseball player as Alex Rodriguez, I think we would all agree he must have rock solid inner game. Alex Rodriguez does not get a hit every time he goes up to the plate. In fact, there are times the bases
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Posted July 29, 2008
A couple weeks ago I was offered some free audio from a “guru” in exchange for a testimonial. The audio he was offering was some sort of brain wave Hypnoritual. It was basically a collection of noise that was supposed to transform your brain waves to promote more alpha behavior, energy, and inner game. I
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Posted July 28, 2008
The 31 Days to Better Game series recently ended and I’ve been getting a lot of requests to create a page specifically for all of the articles… so here it is. This is the central page of the 31 Days to Better Game series that I ran here at TSB Magazine. Here you will find
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Posted July 25, 2008
Today is the last day in the 31 Days to Better Game series and as a result I want to make your last task a little reflective and forward looking. Your task today is to run a SWOT Analysis on your self. A SWOT analysis is a strategic tool that has been used for many
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Posted July 24, 2008
We are at day 30 of our 31 Days to Better Game series.? A couple lessons ago we dealt with managing a relationship.? While many of you may not set out looking for a relationship, at any given moment you might find yourself in one. Sometimes you don’t even realize that what you have is
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Posted July 24, 2008
This week’s question is about guy friends… Hey Roosh, Quite a number of times, on dates or on the phone, a girl will mention other guy friends she has. Or talk about guys that they are “supposedly” not interested in. I assume this is another of many shit-tests… What’s the most effective way to nullify
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Posted July 23, 2008
I know a lot of you guys have been waiting to see Mike Stoute or Bobby Rio in action. Well, here is your chance. We filmed one of Mike’s most recent pick up videos. This one took place in a park. I think its safe to say that Mike puts all the other PUAs to
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Posted July 23, 2008
We are at the 29th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. Yesterday we talked about managing a relationship. Even though many men don’t set out to enter a relationship… that’s where they end up. This is because many of the guys get addicted to the steady sex they are getting for the
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