Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted August 19, 2009
Have you ever been SHOT DOWN? How about REJECTED? Were you ever DENIED? Or perhaps there was a time when you got BLOWN OUT? You’re probably nodding your head yes. Aren’t you? Well, stop nodding. Never once were you ever “shot down”, “rejected”, “denied”, or, the most brutal sounding of all, “blown out”. Those words
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Posted August 14, 2009
As the summer is winding down (unfortunately) and people are already thinking about school (disgusting), I think now is a good time to assess yourself at the year’s midpoint. Think about where you are in your progress in accomplishing the goals you set earlier in the year. Are you on your way to reaching them?
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Posted August 10, 2009
In fact, it is a GREAT opportunity to display your social intelligence and have her actually become MORE attracted to you. You see most men will turn into giant babies when a woman rejects their advances.? These men will make things completely AKWARD by getting quiet, weird, or bitchy about the rejection. Simply by taking
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Posted August 7, 2009
Modern American culture probably has the most confused concept of masculinity in the history of men. That’s because we American males have it easy. We have no obligation to join the military. We have no painful tribal initiation ceremonies. We don’t even have a tradition of chest-thumping man-on-man violence that defines older, more “masculine” cultures.
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Posted August 6, 2009
1. ?Take full responsibility for your life You must decide right now that you will be the sole determiner of how your life pans out.? This means that you no longer blame anyone or anything outside of yourself for your success or failures.? You have made a crystal clear decision of what you want to
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Posted August 5, 2009
I am beginning to think that I never will. I mean sure, over the years I have made more money and gotten better looking; but fundamentally I am still the same person I was in my adolescence. I remember all the way back to high school what a pretentious little shit I was. It really
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Posted August 5, 2009
Whether the audience is a boisterous horde of buddies perched over a pub table or a blind date seated across from you at a candlelit Italian trattoria, telling a story is the most effective way to entertain your listeners while conveying your personality and background. Although everyone has a canon of anecdotes worth reciting, not
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Posted August 4, 2009
Ask Your Wingman Today, I want to talk about the most important thing when it comes to maintaining your social life. The follow-up. Although this requires effort (as most good things in life do), it’s a very simple way to keep friendships and opportunities abound. I shouldn’t really have to give you examples on this
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