Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted August 31, 2010
The Key Is Trust Sex is a private, personal thing. Every man and woman has their own styles, their own preferences, acts, positions and things they like. And don’t like. Now, if you’re with a partner who has the same tastes as you, you’re in for a great time together! You can feel free to
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Posted August 27, 2010
How to Snag Numbers During the Day Meeting women in daytime environments is a great alternative for bar and club environments. You strike up a conversation with a girl in a book store, talk for a few minutes, and you leave with a phone number. It really is that easy. However, there is one mistake
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Posted August 26, 2010
Beware The Sins, Gentlemen 1. The Interview We begin with the most common but deadliest sin of all ? asking her too many questions. It?s easily done: you go in there and open with a compliment, she smiles and says thanks, and then you stand there awkwardly wondering what to say before inevitably settling on:
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Posted August 26, 2010
What a Man Should Reveal on a First Date Most guys think that talking too much is a female problem. The truth is that anyone can make the mistake of revealing too much information on a first date. If you recently had a first date and thought everything went great because she was such a
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Posted August 24, 2010
How To Know She’s Giving You The Green Light So how can you tell if a woman is interested in you? This is a tough question. Mostly because women aren?t ?hard wired? like men. You see, if a man is interested in a woman, he tries to show her through ?displays.? Like ?displays? of his
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Posted August 23, 2010
My most controversial technique ? and the one which women happen to love the most ? has to be the Half Hour Orgasm technique. This is the one which lets you keep her in an orgasmic state for 10, 20, or even 30 minutes continuously. Now, if you?re struggling to give women regular orgasms, this
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Posted August 20, 2010
It?s with this kind of fear that I begin to write the history of what happened last week. Our plane bumped down on a boiling runway. As we snaked our way through the outdoor airport terminal, the balmy tropical air salted our skin and fleets of mosquitoes salivated over our sweet American blood. I left
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Posted August 18, 2010
What Absinthe and a Slob Taught Me about Loneliness My last lingering memory of the awkward summer of ?01 was one of Richard Smeed.? That fall, as I entered my freshman year of college, he remained congealed to my character like how smokers leave the stale stench of tobacco behind, absorbed in clothing and furniture.
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Posted August 17, 2010
How To Use A Wingman Daygame can be an immensely rewarding pursuit. Even before you get any real results, the positive reactions that gorgeous women give you are more than enough to encourage you to keep on trying. Unfortunately, as we all know, good intentions aren?t enough in this game. You can spend hours doing
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Posted August 17, 2010
The Lessons To Be Learned So you had a good first date, and now you?re right outside your front door. You kiss. You ask her to come up. She says yes, and you spend the rest of the night ? and the next morning ? in each other?s arms. The next morning the sun comes
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