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Success With Dating, Don’t Overthink It…

img Posted August 16, 2011

Out of the myriad of difficulties men face as they try to improve their dating skills, there?s one serious problem in particular that I want to talk about today. Overthinking everything. Now believe me, I know about overthinking this stuff. When you have a strong desire for female affection like I do, then it?s easy

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How to Get Personal

img Posted August 15, 2011

I?m going to keep this article simple. It?s about asking personal questions to women, for a romantic intention. You see, most guys ask a series of boring-ass questions hoping that at some point, the women will just drop her panties and have sex. How many questions do you have to ask before this happens? Infinity.

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Happy Hour: How to Get Solid Dates in Less than 5 Minutes

img Posted August 12, 2011

There are only so many ways you can meet new women. Some guys prefer ?night game,? going out to bars or nightclubs to approach women. Other guys enjoy ?day game,? which involves meeting women in stores, coffee shops, at the mall, or even on the street. Then, of course, there?s online dating, meeting women through

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5 Moves That Make You Look Like a Creeper

img Posted August 10, 2011

?Oh my God, this guy is totally creeping. Let?s get out of here.? Creepers. The nemesis of any good party. The guys who cockblock the rest of us by scaring off all the single ladies. Whether you know it or not, you have probably committed some form of creepy behavior in a social situation. In

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When She Tells You Her Friend Is Interested

img Posted August 9, 2011

Few things are more earth-shattering than the moment when the flirty, fun babe you?re chatting up directs your attention to her shy (and probably not as cute) friend, telling you that this friend has a thing for you. Just when you thought you were in with a chance, she drops this bombshell. But before you

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Is Online Dating Right For You?

img Posted August 9, 2011

Have you been trying to meet more women and improve your dating life but nothing seems to be working out? Well, today I’m going to talk about one of my all time favorite places to meet women and how you can get started quickly and easily. Now I realize some guys are apprehensive about the

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The Importance of Logistics

img Posted August 8, 2011

There isn?t too much that frustrates me more (as I recently learned) than having a hot dime piece waiting to go home with you and not being able to get it done because of a small reason like living too far away from the club. Logistics can be a real bitch, unless you?re properly prepared.

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How to Avoid Commitment

img Posted August 8, 2011

As guys, we don?t like to jump into commitment too fast. It makes us feel imprisoned by obligation. As soon as you make your relationship with a woman ?official,? it feels like you have to see her, or she?ll get upset. You also feel like you?ve lost the freedom to meet other women. Now, no

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Rule Before Girlfriend: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

img Posted August 5, 2011

This is gonna be offensive. I?m not going to win any points with the feminists, future girlfriends of mine, or even ?nice guys? by writing what I?m about to write. But it?s what I found to be absolutely true. So I have to write it. A cruel rule of dating (that?s pretty much immutable) is

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The Key to Non-Verbal

img Posted August 5, 2011

The Story I was walking into a store and noticed that an older woman was talking to a younger woman. I?m not sure what they where talking about, but it seemed like she wanted the older woman to stay while she was in the store. I smiled at the older woman first, then lingered a

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Are You Pretty Good With a Bow Staff?

img Posted August 5, 2011

How to Realize Your Personal Skill Set I?m a tad shy of making six-figures. Washboard abs currently elude me. I really suck at ?Halo.? My hair has this problem with staying on top of my head and I?ve yet to hit 30. What does it all mean? Am I doomed to mediocrity? Do my shortcomings

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