Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted March 19, 2012
Let me ask you something, would you like to start dating girls who are really, really, really good looking? I’m talking about models, actresses, etc… girls who are “professionally pretty” or who could be pick up modeling gigs if they chose to? Well a lot of guys seem to think that this is where it’s
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Posted March 16, 2012
I should really start a column titled ?Stuff Inspired by Magazines Found in My Girlfriend?s Apartment,? because I?d like to start this week?s Inner Game article with a reference to an interview Michelle Obama recently did for More magazine. I won?t delve into the details, but the basic gist of the interview was this: knowing
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Posted March 15, 2012
Many guys wonder why they keep getting deaded when approaching girls and they immediately assume it?s because of what they said. Although it does matter what you say initially, what matters even more is how you respond after hearing her response. And the key is to match her intensity as closely as you can. Here
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Posted March 14, 2012
We all have our D-Days. Or our Bastille Days. Or whatever name you give to the day you stopped acting clueless around women. Probably, if you?re reading this article, you?ve had that day already. Maybe it was out of necessity: you?re sick of being lonely and want women in your life … … maybe it
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Posted March 13, 2012
I often enjoy talking at length about the importance of expressing your interest in women. However, there is also something to be said for holding back a bit and not completely giving away your hand right off the bat. You may have heard that “women like a challenge” and there is some truth to this.
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Posted March 12, 2012
Offering to buy a woman a drink, while not very creative, is a socially safe way of showing your interest. It can also quickly get expensive if you buy drinks for the wrong women. If you can understand what she?s thinking, you?ll know which women to buy drinks for and which to avoid. It?s not
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Posted March 9, 2012
Rejection sucks. It?s enough to keep guys from talking to girls in the first place, and when you consider the reward they?re giving up – that must be some risk! When you try to talk to a girl and she responds with a look that makes your testicles retract back into your body, it can
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Posted March 9, 2012
Do you ever find yourself talking to ghosts or hacking through doors with a fire axe? If so, it?s time you took a break from work and threw a ball around, watched an episode of ?The Office,? played with your old Ninja Turtle figures, whatever. I?m referring to the character of Jack Torrance from ?The
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Posted March 8, 2012
One of the biggest mistakes that I see guys making in the dating arena is that they don’t give themselves the right to fail. They take everything way too seriously and they act like the world is going to end if they make some sort of mistake with a chick they are talking too. Believe
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Posted March 6, 2012
Haha, I was looking through my old computer and stumbled on a treasure trove of field reports from 2006 to 2008. It was sort of cringe-worth to read myself referring to women as ?HBs? and descrbing the outrageous outfits I?d wear out. Yet, at the same time, I wanted to share one of those reports,
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