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To the Inner Game Class of 2012: Stop Jerking Around

img Posted May 25, 2012

I was dreading my sister?s college graduation. Don?t get me wrong. I?m proud of her for making it through four years of school (something I suffered through and don?t know how I managed to complete). It?s just the idea of two and a half hours of coma-inducing speeches from stuffy professors that had me wishing

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Unleash the Beast

img Posted May 23, 2012

An In-Depth Look at Wolverine So who we looking at? Character: Wolverine (a.k.a Logan or James Howlett) Actor: Hugh Jackman From: X-Men Type: Film I’m sure that we all watched cartoons and fantasy films as children. Back in those days, the world seemed filled with magic and Superheroes were real. However, as we aged, we

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The GDI’s Guide To Hooking Up on Campus

img Posted May 22, 2012

I want to start this article by reminding everyone that this is a GDI?s guide for all the GDIs out there. I?ve got nothing against frats, I was a GDI in College and it worked well for me, that being said, if you?re a GDI you?ll find this one to be very useful. Also, all

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When She Won’t Stop Calling

img Posted May 21, 2012

When a girl you?ve started seeing makes an effort to contact you, that?s fantastic. But when she?s calling you multiple times a day and sending you text updates about her day every five minutes, there?s a problem. It gets annoying when you?re bombarded by constant phone calls from her. You may be into her, but

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Make Love To Her With Your Eyes

img Posted May 21, 2012

When you see a beautiful girl who makes your heart go pitter-pat what do you do with you eyes? If you are like most guys you feel conflicted. Part of you just wants to stare upon her beauty and admire all of her cute and sexy bits. But, unfortunately there is another side of you

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Embrace (Inner) Game-Changing Moments

img Posted May 18, 2012

game-changing adj. 1. Completely?changing?the?way?that?something?is?done,?thought?about,?or?made 2. Critical and having the potential to alter the overall outcome. You might not have realized it, but that time you pissed your pants on that blind date and/or lost your job at McDonald?s for stealing Shamrock Shake mix weren?t entirely for naught. Sure, inheriting your dead uncle?s mansion and scoring

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What She Wants After Sex

img Posted May 15, 2012

So much focus is on how to get sex and how to have good sex, that it?s easy to overlook what happens afterwards. If you want to give her an outstanding experience in the bedroom, your job doesn?t stop once you?re satisfied. The after-sex etiquette that most men skip If you were having sex and

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2 Easy Ways To Get A Threesome

img Posted May 14, 2012

Throughout my days I was fortunate enough to score quite a decent amount of girl-girl-guy threesomes. I?ve had the guy-guy-girl ones too but let?s be honest, you can?t really compare the two? Whenever I did get girl-girl-guy threesomes it was down to 2 very distinct methods. They both require a high level of experience and

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Get in the “Shark Tank”: Build Your Personal Brand

img Posted May 11, 2012

I?m not what they call ?business-savvy.? While I am self-employed and do run my own ?company? per se, I have the business acumen of an out-of-work hot dog car owner. I am, however, fascinated by business and entrepreneurship. Being so, I?ve been watching ABC?s ?Shark Tank? voraciously. If you haven?t seen ?Shark Tank,? here?s a

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Dating Success And The Victim Mentality

img Posted May 11, 2012

When you are trying to improve your game with women there are a number of strategic “tweaks” you can make, that will help you to see massive improvements. However, today I want to talk about something even more powerful that can have a much greater impact… I just got back from eating Chinese food with

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“Old School” PUA Techniques that Still Work

img Posted May 9, 2012

Remember how pick-up artists used to play the game? Canned openers, outlandish outfits and a big bag of tricks made these aspiring lotharios more akin to birthday party magicians rather than playboy studs. During the PUA community?s genesis, gurus and average Joes alike would swap their favorite tactics and techniques online, culminating in the formation

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