Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 22, 2012
Sometimes, stupid rhymey sayings are actually applicable in real life: ?Righty tighty, lefty loosey? ?Beer than liquor, never sicker? ?He who smelt it, dealt it? ?Go with the flow.? ?Go with the flow,? though it seems like a throwaway saying, something you?d see on a dollar store coffee mug, it?s actually quite applicable to the
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Posted June 22, 2012
So who we looking at? Character: Jake Tyler ?Actor: Sean Faris ?From: Never Back Down (2008) So why look at him? In my opinion, Tyler is a great character to look at as he embodies the phenomenal change that some dedicated training coupled with facing your demons can bring about in your life. Yes, I
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Posted June 19, 2012
The other day I was peacefully lounging in my apartment when I was jolted by the slamming of doors and stomping of feet. My roommate and her fianc? were having an argument, and a pretty intense one at that. After he left for his own apartment, I discussed the altercation with my roommate. She told
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Posted June 18, 2012
You like her, but the sex just isn?t doing it for you. Here?s how to handle it when she?s not up to scratch in the bedroom. You can?t just tell her Things have to change, but it won?t happen by having an open conversation about your sex life. Telling her that she?s not satisfying you
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Posted June 15, 2012
When I?m up on stage playing guitar and singing for a bar full of drunken strangers, I?m on top of the g-damn world. This stands in sharp contrast to the way I used to feel when I?d get up to bat in Little League: I was terrified, because I honestly wasn?t that good. Unlike my
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Posted June 14, 2012
A lot of dudes seem to constantly be in an out of relationships. If they?re single, they try to date the first girl who gives them the time of day. Maybe you?re one of those guys. Maybe you?ve never had a girlfriend but secretly wish any girl would date you. You think that if you
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Posted June 12, 2012
Recently I?ve got a few requests from readers that are actually looking to start something serious with a woman. If you?re getting hookups on a regular basis but don?t exactly know how to turn those into a relationship, this article is for you. Any girl and I do mean any girl (including the one night
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Posted June 11, 2012
Hey there. Jon Sinn back with part 2 of the article on sexcalation, which is the idea of escalating in the interaction verbally, physically and logistically towards sex with the idea of having sex with her overtly on the table. In part 1 I shared a few of my favorite sexual teases, now I want to
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Posted June 11, 2012
When you?re at the all-important dating stage of a relationship, you?re can be trying so hard to give off a good impression that you don?t realise how you?re sabotaging yourself. Here are a few of the common mistakes men make which seriously affect your chances of scoring another date. Getting drunk A drink or two
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