Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted July 10, 2012
Jon Sinn here, and I want to talk to you today about the idea of Same Night Lay venues. You see NOT all venues are created equal and if you?re going to get serious about getting same night lays, you?re going to need to know what kind of venues you need to go to. Let?s
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Posted July 9, 2012
Getting a woman’s phone number is an important step towards dating and/or intimacy. It is also something that many guys fumble with because they realize that it’s a make it or break it situation. After all, if you goof up and she won’t give you her number, then it is going to be pretty tough
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Posted July 9, 2012
At clubs and bars, the way men approach can be intimidating. You could be scaring her off before you?ve had a chance to impress her, without even knowing it. Approaching in a group A big group of guys swarming over to one or two women is scary if you?re one of those women. It may
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Posted July 6, 2012
I?m at the point in my life where a good portion of my friends are getting or already are married. Despite all of the perks (freedom, not being nagged on a daily basis, money to spend on actual fun things), being single has its drawbacks for many. Talking with my boys recently, a few opened
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Posted July 3, 2012
Hey! What?s up? Jon Sinn here and today I want to talk to you about why you should try to sleep with women as quickly as possible. Today we’re going to be talking about same night lays and why they?re the best way to start ANY type of relationship with a woman you?re attracted to.
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Posted July 2, 2012
She?s super hot, but she freezes up when you try to get intimate. But with a little patience, you can coax your bedroom buddy out of her frigid shell. Why is she so frigid? You have to find out where her restrained behavior comes from if you are to have any hope of changing it.
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Posted June 29, 2012
There was a time, several years ago, when I lived in a dirty, dank apartment in Philadelphia, worked a dead-end job at a coffee shop and looked like a poster child for malnutrition. Today I live in a nice apartment, make a living as a writer and actually show signs of muscle definition. Needless to
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Posted June 28, 2012
Women, success, happiness, fortune, respect. You are unlikely to attract any of those five items into your life if you are not first content with yourself. Confidence in who you are enables you to take risks, work harder, and gain rapport with those around you. Yet we live in a world that is severely lacking
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Posted June 27, 2012
Your success with any woman will most surely always rely on your conversational skills. What you tell her and how you tell it is what will eventually convince her that you are worth a go. With conversation being such an important part of the seduction process it?s vital that you have the right skills. This
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Posted June 25, 2012
Getting involved with a close friend of your ex-girlfriend is not a good idea. Whether it?s a brief fling or a serious relationship, you?ll want to be prepared for the fallout. Avoid it if you can This could go one of two ways. Either they will remain friends despite their shared history with you, or
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