Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted July 27, 2012
Have you ever laid out wood flooring? If so, you know the epic torture that is cutting, hammering, crowbarring, re-cutting, re-hammering, and doing it all over again because the last piece you put down started to splinter. It sucks. But you know what? Once you?re finished and you look down at that sweet Adirondack Maple,
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Posted July 25, 2012
Sexual state is critical, and should always be present when you talk to a woman.?It seems strange to me but I think a lot of men are actually afraid of beautiful women.? You can see it when they talk to a girl.? It?s either: Logical or boring Too complimentary Fake ? the words are uttered
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Posted July 23, 2012
The reason most guys don’t succeed with online dating is that they fail to get any sort of positive momentum going. So they just sort of give up on it, or tinker with it randomly without putting any real effort in. This frustration and willingness to give up is understandable. After all, if you aren’t
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Posted July 20, 2012
Yes, I am going to write about hiking up a goddamn mountain and no, this is not one of my weekly fitness articles. While there are certainly many things to consider on the physical side before attempting to hike up a mountain (e.g. proper footwear, proper nutrition, not being shitfaced drunk), this article isn?t about
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Posted July 17, 2012
Hey there.? Jon Sinn here and today I want to talk about logistics. Logistics are the big difference between why I go home with girls and other people go home alone. I’m constantly aware of what my logistics are and what my logistical options are, because a lot of guys will allow themselves to get
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Posted July 16, 2012
When you meet a girl that you like and want to hook up with, it’s extremely frustrating when her friends try to shut you down and keep nature from taking it’s course. But, more often than not these sorts of situations can be avoided by taking preventative actions and knowing how to handle it when
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Posted July 16, 2012
How To Handle Her Hangups Over Her Ex Nobody wants to be living in the shadow of their lover’s ex. Here’s what to do when she’s constantly drawing parallels and contrasts between you and her former boyfriend. Every woman makes mental comparisons Whether they’re thinking “he is somuch more interesting than the last guy I
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Posted July 13, 2012
There?s just something about summer that screams ?be a lazy turd.? It?s a time of year when many people are working less and vacationing more. School?s out and the grill?s on. Whether you?re on break from college or skipping work to hang with Snooki at the Jersey shore, summer is the time of year to
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Posted July 12, 2012
With all of those typical games we are accustomed to seeing at parties?Pictionary, Scattergories, etc.?it became pretty apparent that it was time for a switch up. And that?s exactly what Who?s Got Game brings to the table. Loosely based on the PUA industry and Neil Strauss? New York Times Bestseller The Game, this game was
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Posted July 11, 2012
It doesn?t matter how it happened, you got dumped or dumped someone, breaking up is absolutely horrible. This article is going to focus on ?How To Break Up? and then on ?How To Get Over A Break Up? (if you were emotionally involved). How To Break Up I?ve been asked this question a million times
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