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When She Uses a Pick-up Line on You

img Posted October 29, 2012

Suddenly, the tables are turned. She?s used a sleazy line on you rather than the other way around. What do you make of it? Don?t be desperate It?s tempting to try to work out your route to her place once she?s pulled out a cheesy line. You may reason that you know what?s on her

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5 Ways to Move on After Someone Breaks Your Heart

img Posted October 24, 2012

Heartbreak is one of the most painful experiences we can undergo. To someone who doesn?t know the feeling, it?s difficult to explain. A complex entanglement of disappointment, confusion, shock, grief, sadness, wistfulness, melancholy, depression, and regret washes over you. It?s nearly impossible to concentrate on anything but your lost love. The emotional hurt doesn?t leave

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“Involuntary Attraction”: How to Make Her Want You

img Posted October 24, 2012

My belief (in all areas of life) has always been that if I can get one “nugget” from every book I read, video I watch, or program I go through… Or even person I come in contact with… It was worth it. “Nuggets” add up. And often these “insights” come when you least expect it.

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Just Do It: A Life Philosophy

img Posted October 24, 2012

I spend most of my workday thinking of ways to sell ?stuff.? Whether it?s a pair of boots or a new app, I?ve got to position products in ways that motivate consumers to spend their hard-earned cash on a product/service. As an advertising professional (god, that sounds boring), I?m constantly trying to think of slogans

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Picking The Right Girl To Approach – 7 Ways To Tell If She’s Worth It

img Posted October 23, 2012

A very big and often overlooked part of ?the game? is picking the right prospects. Any game newbie can approach 15 girls in one night but such mindless actions will probably get him thinking that LUCK is the factor behind getting laid as sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn?t. Well, I?m here to tell

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Turn Her On By Being A Challenge

img Posted October 22, 2012

You may have heard about the importance of being a “challenge” to a woman. However, this is a concept that is often misunderstood. For a guy, being a “challenge” in a masculine way is VERY different from a woman playing “hard to get” in a feminine way. So, to clear up any confusion I wrote

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When She Won’t Accept a Drink

img Posted October 22, 2012

Is it a symbolic action when she turns down the drink you bought her, or does she genuinely not want it? There are several reasons why she might refuse it. You need to figure out her reason to find out if you?re wasting your time her or not. As I?ve written about before, buying a

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“Fight Club” and Self Confidence

img Posted October 19, 2012

When?s the last time you spent an entire day doing what you wanted to? When?s the last time you worked toward your dream? If you can?t remember the answer to any of the above questions, you?re not truly living. Sure, we all have obligations to family, friends, and paying the electricity bill, but where do

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5 Comforting Thoughts to Remember After Heartbreak

img Posted October 18, 2012

Break-ups are among the most painful experiences we can have in this life. If you?re on the losing end, and you truly loved your partner, it feels like your soul has been ripped out of your chest. It feels like your flame has been reduced to embers, all but stomped out. You feel as if

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Should You Leave Your Wingman At Home?

img Posted October 18, 2012

Oh man? I can?t even believe how many times I?ve been asked this question: ?Alex, Is it better to go out solo or with a wingman?? Mind you, the first question you need to ask yourself is, ?What is your ultimate goal for going out?? If you?re going out to ?have fun? then going with

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