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Is She Friendly or Flirty?

img Posted November 26, 2012

You may think everything?s going to plan while you?re talking to a girl you?ve just met, but for all you know she is thinking that you could be her fabulous new best friend rather than a hookup. Here?s how to tell if she is just being friendly rather than flirting with you. You see what

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4 Productive Ways to Spend Time Online

img Posted November 21, 2012

The Internet is a curious and paradoxical invention. On one hand, it literally offers the knowledge and wisdom of millennia of human experience. On the other hand, it offers infinite time-sucks that are nothing more than mindless diversions. And unfortunately, most of humankind has opted to use it as the latter. People spend months and

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6 Tips For Solid Game

img Posted November 19, 2012

A person that has ?solid game? is a person that knows and understands exactly what?s happening during the seduction process. Not only that, but he sees seduction (getting girls) as a job. Solid game comes with experience, the more one goes out and tries stuff, the more he sees what works and what doesn?t. I

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When She Never Texts Back

img Posted November 19, 2012

You?ve worked up the courage to send her a suggestive text, only for the worst possible outcome to come true: she never replies. Is the situation as dire as it looks? She might be bad at texting Some people are just not that good at replying to texts. It seems to be a combination of

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‘Tommy Boy’ and Self-Worth

img Posted November 16, 2012

Mid-to-late 90?s movies should be required viewing for today?s self-doubting male. While I don?t think films like ?Wild Wild West? or ?The Faculty? offer much in terms of confidence-building concepts (or plot and acting ability, for that matter), there are a few that offer sound advice for dudes looking to gain a little confidence. A

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How Never to Get Friend Zone’d Again

img Posted November 15, 2012

I?m writing this article because of a question I came across recently, more specifically the wording used in said question question. I believe that his choice of words really highlights where guys go wrong in all of this and gives clues on how to never end up in the friend zone. The part of his

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Why Feeling like Shit Can Be a Good Thing

img Posted November 14, 2012

Who you think is sitting behind the computer screen, writing this article? Some suave ladies? man who strolls into nightclubs and rounds up women like a pimped out cattle herder? Some jet setting playboy whose weekend low point is accidently spilling a splash of martini on a designer suit? Someone who prances through life with

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5 Simple Tips to Save a Few Hundred Dollars This Year

img Posted November 13, 2012

Everyone likes having more money around. I mean c?mon. More money means more freedom, less worry, more security, greater comfort, etc. Regardless of whether you?re a hobo, a stripper, or a CEO, you probably wouldn?t mind having some extra money lying around. Most people agree with this, but most people don?t take small steps to

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When She’s Obsessed with You

img Posted November 12, 2012

Work out the early signs that she?s controlling and you?ll be able to nip those behaviors in the bud, or at least know to escape before she starts stalking you. Are you overreacting? She could just be an overly affectionate person, rather than being obsessed with you. If she looks into your eyes lovingly on

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Why Procrastination Sucks and How to Stop It

img Posted November 9, 2012

?I?m going to write a novel.? ?I?m going to school to be an engineer.? ?I?m going to ask my dream girl out.? While I have no intentions of writing a novel (I write ads all day), becoming an engineer (I have a hard time putting together simple math problems), or asking a girl out any

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How to Use the Magic of Frame Control for Deep Attraction

img Posted November 8, 2012

Jon Sinn here with an intro to one of everyone?s favorite topics: Frame Control. If you?ve looked at a lot of dating advice, you?ve no doubt come across the idea of ?controlling the frame? or frame control. And you?ve probably been confused about what the heck it all means. But fret no more, because I?m

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