Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted December 18, 2012
One of the biggest problems that guys I work with have is the issue of putting beautiful women on a pedestal. Society, for thousands of years, has carried this idea that beautiful women are the most valuable things on the planet. A war was fought over the beauty that was Helen of Troy. All popular
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Posted December 17, 2012
One of the biggest mistakes guys make when they set out to “become successful with women” is that they put too much pressure on themselves. Whether they are pushing themselves to approach women when they aren’t really “feelin’ it” or pushing themselves to preform every time they go out on a date… It can all
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Posted December 17, 2012
Hot women know they?re attractive. You reminding her of that will make you just like every other guy that?s approached her. Many good looking women want to feel appreciated for something deeper and will feel an intense connection with anyone who can meet that need. Everyone wants to be thought of as smart, funny and
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Posted December 13, 2012
Experience is what makes the player good at what he does. Over the past years, he?s done some of the most ridiculous stuff imaginable but, only by doing that was he able to eventually succeed. You see, sometimes failing is the only way to LEARN your lesson but it should never be a reason to
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Posted December 12, 2012
Welcome back to my series of the 4 ways of setting sexual frames. In the previous two articles I?ve looked at how to set sexual frames using sexual story-telling and cold reading. Now I want to look at how to use the basic Bait-Hook-Reel-Release-Rapport model to set sexual frames. This is my basic mechanism for
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Posted December 12, 2012
Our society teaches a fairly simple process when it comes to attraction and seduction: First, the man demonstrates his value, either through his wit, humor, or by doing something amazing – like having a car that turns into a robot. Then the woman ?selects? him because of this value and gets turned on my how
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Posted December 12, 2012
How many pimps do you think go on to become famous rappers and television stars? I?d say only a handful. But, somehow, Ice T did it. This son of a conveyor belt mechanic transitioned from a life of crime to that of fame and fortune. What does it take to transition from the life of
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Posted December 11, 2012
Sometimes you step outside and realize just how many fine-as-hell women there are walking around the streets of town. It’s a beautiful thing…. Such an abundance of hotness.
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Posted December 10, 2012
If you?re looking for a fast dirty hookup in Craigslist Personals, there are a number of tactics you?ll want to employ before replying to an ad. First off, know that Craigslist Personals are usually a cesspool of scammers, spammers, escorts, and other unsavory types. You can occasionally find a diamond in the rough, meaning an
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Posted December 10, 2012
While interactions are dominated by body language, it?s important to be able to have a conversation too. The topic isn?t important, as long as she?s interested and engaged by it. With that in mind, here are some of the most boring topics that will result in her finding someone more exciting to talk to. Music
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Posted December 5, 2012
In 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote and published his best-selling book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. It?s sold over 15 million copies. Carnegie provided some sage advice on what to do to gain influence and credibility, and this post is sort-of a spin-off on his theme, except I?m going to tell you what you
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