Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted January 17, 2013
One challenge for me in dating is that I have to know if I?m sexually compatible with a woman before I?ll get into a relationship with her. From experience, I know relationships never last when the sex is mediocre. Therein lies the rub. Women generally don?t want to have sex unless you?re in a relationship.
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Posted January 16, 2013
5. ?But she?s different!? Man, have we all been guilty of this one! These are the famous last words of every guy whose penis disappeared into the friend-zone. As soon as you start thinking of a girl ?differently,? you already lost. You are going to commit some (or all) of the following mistakes: ? Put
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Posted January 14, 2013
You?re dating someone new and have moved on from your past relationship, when all of a sudden your ex-girlfriend comes back onto the scene. You may think you are being offered a choice between your past flame and your new relationship, but it?s a trap. She doesn?t want you, but she doesn?t want anyone else
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Posted January 10, 2013
If you like to play the game a lot, every Monday morning you find yourself with a bunch of phone numbers that your scored during the weekend. When you?ve got them, you were probably sure that most if not all of them will see you again the next week. But, if you actually do this
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Posted January 9, 2013
You probably don?t need me to point out that you have habits that are cockblocking you. Obviously those runs to McDonalds and hours in front of the Xbox aren?t helping your chances with women. However, much as you may ?know? that, I?m going to be the dick that enforces that idea! You Watch Too Much
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Posted January 8, 2013
I?m a big fan of having a girlfriend and of relationships in general. Yes, I like having the ability to pick up chicks and date multiple women, but I think a good relationship is far more fulfilling than a series of hookups. This is especially true when you get into your 30?s (like me) and
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Posted January 7, 2013
Plenty of women prowling the clubs will be on the rebound. What better way to get over an ex, than to hook up with unknowns and begin a new fling. It can be difficult to be involved with a woman who is so used to her previous relationship that she doesn?t know how to act
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Posted January 4, 2013
Stop. Wherever you are right now, just stop for a moment. Read these words, but don?t move. Take a deep breath. Realize that right now you are in a most situation. Right now you?re about to realize your enormous potential. Whether you?re life is going great or terrible, that doesn?t matter. What matters is this:
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Posted January 3, 2013
Think back to the last girl who dumped you. Remember how miserable and upset you were? Remember how much you wished she?d come back? Remember that? Why did you get so upset then and yet, when you think about it now, it?s not as upsetting? The answer to that question has a lot more to
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Posted January 2, 2013
My Experimental Technique for Breaking Through the Wall If you?ve ever tried meeting women online using any of the popular sites (, POF, etc), you?re probably familiar with this situation: you send 50 messages to various attractive women and get absolutely zero response. Zilch. Not only that, but many of the women won?t even view
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