Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted February 4, 2013
Much is made of the all-important first date, but the second date is a pretty big deal too. You?ve done well to get to a second date, but it can be easily derailed. It?s still a trial period- there?s no room to get complacent yet. If anything, a second date can be even harder than
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Posted February 4, 2013
Advice generally works in the following way: You look towards someone that you use as a role model, try to emulate their life as they are living it, and happiness follows. However, sometimes a more important way to get your advice is through the concept of an anti-role model. Someone to look at, look at
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Posted February 1, 2013
?There are a lot of things out there that will directly affect your success with women. The items on this list are probably the easiest and quickest things you can apply right now in order to get almost instant results. 1. Believe That All Women Are Equal This is probably one of the best things
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Posted January 31, 2013
How could I forget my first year of college? All of a sudden I was surrounded by more girls my age than I knew what to do with; this had to be heaven. I excitedly went to talk with as many of them as I could – ?hey, we?re the same age going through this
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Posted January 31, 2013
I wrote the first two paragraphs of this article as an essay. However, two paragraphs in, I realized this must be written as a RANT. Articulating the importance of ?self-making? yourself isn?t a message best communicated by a chain of logic. It?s best communicated by crawling into your subconscious and screaming. So forgive my gratuitous
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Posted January 30, 2013
Because this is such a popular topic amongst dating coaches all over, it seemed natural that I should cover it as well. I honestly don?t know why so many guys are into strippers (probably because they are so hot and they dance naked) but for the sake of this article I?ve been attempting this for
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Posted January 29, 2013
A woman will give you some signals when she?s attracted to you, consciously or not. These signals include nervousness, strong eye contact, filling in the blanks in conversation (you?re leaving blanks for her to fill right?), turning to face you, and a big, genuine smile. These signals are the equivalent of her saying ?I like
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Posted January 28, 2013
Capitalize on other guys? mistakes. When you see a woman at the bar being hounded by a guy that?s clearly being too pushy with her, you can swoop in on the situation and emerge the winner. The standards are low
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Posted January 28, 2013
My definition of a loser isn?t so much someone who ?loses.? By that definition some of the most successful people I know are huge losers. But huge loses and missteps are not the benchmark of losers. Instead, being a loser is refusing to take responsibility for yourself. If you?re whining on the internet about how
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Posted January 23, 2013
I?m a dating writer and I?m going to make a damaging admission: sometimes I go on dates and I suck. It?s not that the girl isn?t attractive enough, or smart enough, or even that there?s no chemistry between us. Sometimes it?s simply a matter of: I show up to a date, and I suck.
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Posted January 21, 2013
You?ve scored a date, but the hard part is only just beginning. Especially if it?s a first date and you don?t know her that well, it can be hard to find common ground. Here are a few easy conversation topics- they won?t wow her, but they will provide adequate conversation until you stumble on some
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