Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted April 1, 2013
We?ve all had bad dates. Some of us have even caused them. Whether you?re keen on there being a date number two or not, there?s no excuse for any of these rude behaviors that ruin dates. Not talking enough
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Posted March 28, 2013
The Alpha Attitude Qualifying: A Powerful Way to Attract Women: ?Swinggcat gives a good explanation of a “stealth” attraction technique. ?It involves exploiting the phychological principle of commitment and consistency. How to Escalate: The Pregnant Pause: ?Nick Sparks gives a really slick maneuver on how to escalate with women. ?It involves non verbal cues to
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Posted March 26, 2013
For years everything I did around women was meticulously planned. I couldn?t send a text message unless I?d triple-check it first. I made sure every word, behavior, action, and thought aligned to what I was learning was ?attractive? to women. While I almost made myself neurotic, I also attracted way more women than when I
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Posted March 25, 2013
Getting to the stage of kissing doesn?t mean that your work is done in picking up. There?s still plenty of time for you to blow your chances of anything more happening, so you need to perfect your making out technique if you want the rest of your night to turn out well. Here are some
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Posted March 21, 2013
This week’s collection of articles from the archives focus on how to avoid being the “nice guy.” ?Nice guys finish last in the world of dating and relationships. No More Mr. Nice Guy 8 Traits That Make You Appear Like a “Nice Guy.”: ?Here are 8 counter-intuitive traits that guys mistakenly think create attraction, when
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Posted March 20, 2013
Do you ever have the feeling that some women are particularly good at sex while others completely suck? Sure, you can only have this feeling if you?ve slept with more than 1 chick, but honestly?haven?t you ever noticed that? It seems that most women put so little effort into pleasing us men that I sometimes
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Posted March 19, 2013
I?ll be the first to admit that I?m not perfect. I?ve made regretful life decisions, acted in ways I wish I hadn?t, and said things I wish I could take back. But if there?s one thing I don?t regret about my life, it?s this: I?m always the one making the decisions.
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Posted March 18, 2013
If you?re not sure about the girl you?re seeing, consider putting her in the friend zone. Really, the friend zone doesn?t deserve its bad reputation! When you think you might want to date her properly in the future but don?t want to make a decision yet, the friend zone can make for a useful waiting
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Posted March 14, 2013
Comfort and Connection Building Articles Every Thursday here at TSB Magazine we?re going to highlight some of our favorite articles from the past seven years. ?And we?re going to pick the articles based on the most important topics like escalation, conversation, flirting, and attitude. Why You Need Deep and Wide Rapport: ?Here’s an article that
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Posted March 13, 2013
They say that ?all?s fair in love and war,? but when it comes to dating, nothing is fair. By dint of having a penis, you?re at disadvantage. The deck is stacked in the favor of the fairer sex, and if you ever want to get what you want (ahem?WHO you want) then I have a
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Posted March 13, 2013
If you want to know how to seduce women then not doing what every other Dick and Joes does should always be on your mind. Sure, everyone has their own little way of going about things but when it comes to women there?s a lot of things that every average guy does. This article focuses
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