Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 6, 2013
Jon Sinn here with some more great content for you TSBers! Today, I want to talk about what I believe is the #1 biggest problem that guys have mentally when they get into dating and pick up. The biggest problems mentally I see with guys is black and white or reductive thinking. Let me explain
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Posted June 6, 2013
I sit at my laptop, sip the delicious foam of my Heineken Light, and peruse my Facebook messages. As a guy who writes dating advice, you can be sure my Facebook inbox is a hub for dating questions and requests for advice.
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Posted June 5, 2013
In our previous installment of The #1 Secret To Qualification, we covered the fact that most guys simply don’t get qualification, cleared that up and then went on to discuss one of the most powerful aspects of the technique..’s power in establishing Status Roles between you and your girl. We left off by promising
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Posted June 5, 2013
When I go into a first date, I have an outline of how I want to spend my time. What I?ve noticed after going on dozens and dozens of first dates is there is an optimal flow to the experience. If the flow is just right, I?m guaranteed some kind of close at the end,
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Posted June 4, 2013
I get tons of emails every day from dudes asking me “What do you say to them?? , ?What is the best opener??? I have a bunch of other dudes that randomy approach me in clubs and ask ?What did you say to her??. The question I?m pondering on is why is there so many
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Posted June 3, 2013
Is it just an excuse or is there some truth in it? Either way, in most cases, it?s a sign that you should give up. She?s letting you down gently Most of the time, being ?not ready for a relationship? is just an excuse. It?s not that she?s doesn?t want a relationship. It?s that she
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Posted May 30, 2013
I liked Natasha?s post about pickup techniques that all women know about, and I wanted to wade in with my two cents.
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Posted May 30, 2013
Just listen to your imagination as you think about how my voice might sound as I read this to you. I know people like to complain. I like to complain about the people that don?t pick up the dog poop in the grass outside my apartment complex. I think that?s a justified complaint and if
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Posted May 30, 2013
It?s not always personal when the girl you?ve been seeing won?t spend the night with you. You might assume it?s because she?s not interested, but perhaps she wants to stay the night but a petty reason is stopping her. She doesn?t like you
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Posted May 29, 2013
Much as I love waxing philosophical on the ?high concepts? of seduction and self-development, after browsing my recent archive, I realized that I haven?t been sharing any ?quick tips? that can make instant improvements to your interactions with women. For the next few weeks, expect to see more applicable tips that you can mix into
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