Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted October 14, 2013
You?re not going to get very far by having boring conversations where you trade the standard questions. Women are bored of being asked where they work or making polite conversation about how they know the host. A fun conversation will set you apart from the rest. Bring out your party trick
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Posted October 9, 2013
Although a few months ago I wrote a short eBook about texting which I gave out on my facebook page, I still get an insane amount of questions about this. They?re usually in the lines of ?Need help texting? or ?Why isn?t she replying to my texts?. This article is going to cover the 6
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Posted October 8, 2013
Ask any woman about the one thing that they find most attractive in a man and they will tell you that it is confidence. Ask any dating guru about the top three characteristics a man should develop to become successful with women and his answer will include confidence. Ask any billionaire what the most important
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Posted October 7, 2013
Men complain about how women will only date assholes while completely ignoring all the great guys out there. Of course, they always count themselves as one of those nice guys. While there is some truth to the idea that women only want assholes, you won?t win over the ladies by being horrible to them. There?s
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Posted October 2, 2013
I get a LOT of questions on the emails, recently, A LOT more than I can handle but there is always a pattern. I had a look over the last 100 emails or so and came up with the most common questions I get asked. I?ve put them all in this article and given you
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Posted October 1, 2013
Anxiety is a bit like fear – only a hundred times worse. While with fear you?re usually aware of what you?re afraid of, the thing with anxiety is that its root cause isn?t sometimes as obvious. Say for example, when you?re afraid of flying, you?re afraid that your plane will come crashing down to the
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Posted September 30, 2013
He?s the guy she always goes to when she?s having problems with you. She confides all her problems in him, but insists to you that he?s just a friend. The line between ?just a friend? to ?replacement boyfriend? can be traversed quickly. How do you know if he?s a back-up boyfriend, and should you be
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Posted September 26, 2013
Here?s an age-old conundrum. When I first got into Game it was drilled into me that paying for the first date was a big no-no?the guy paying for his date was too beta, and you should split it at least. When I was in my 20?s what I would usually do is pick up the
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Posted September 26, 2013
If someone were to tell you that you could use hypnosis as a tool to improve your dating life, you would most likely shy away at first, imagining that this involved some kind of plan to control the minds of women you find attractive using clandestine hypnosis techniques. And if you thought along those lines,
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Posted September 24, 2013
I?ve been doing a lot of day-game recently, simply because I wanted a change from the whole nigh-game thing. Amongst other things, I?ve noticed that the whole point of a day-game routine is to get A SOLID number. There?s absolutely no reason to expect sex within a few hours when you meet someone in a
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Posted September 23, 2013
Flirty texts are always important, whether you?re just starting to show your interest or you?re in a long-term relationship. Keep your texts interesting and fun, and your relationship will follow suit. Keep it short Your flirty text should be a few lines at maximum. Think about how she will receive it: reading an essay on
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