Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted January 14, 2015
It probably won?t go over well. I know this sounds obvious enough, but it could happen if you?re not thinking. It happened to me once in Toronto. I was out on the town with one girl and after drinks at Yonge and Dundas Square, we took a walk down to Queen St., which is an
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Posted January 12, 2015
If you already do it, that’s great. But you might be surprised how many don’t. It doesn’t need to be an over the top show of how gentlemanly you can be, but just get in the habit of letting women go ahead of you in elevators or into buildings. Seriously it makes us feel like
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Posted January 12, 2015
You may think you are being suave with an armoury of techniques to talk to women in bars, but some of your techniques may not be all that appealing to women. Hitting on her friend first No woman wants to be your second choice. Especially if you are not exactly a ten out of ten
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