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7 Power Attitudes to Sky Rocket Your Success With Women

img Posted August 2, 2006

Here is an email I recieved from Ross Jeffries. While Ross’s Nlp stuff is a little far fetched for me, he has some good stuff to say about creating the right state when dealing with women. 7 Beliefs to Build Inner Game by Ross Jeffries POWER ATTITUDES for ultimate success with women. 1. Being with

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True Secrets of Hypnotic Suggestion

img Posted July 16, 2006

Hypnotic Suggestion Secrets by Derek Vitalio All of us would like to think we’ve got it all figured out, but the truth is almost no one does. This is ESPECIALLY bad when dealing with ladies  who are most attracted to confident, masculine men. If you want to get the women you long for, you’ve GOT

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Shy Guy? How To Get Some Guts!

img Posted June 25, 2006

I found this Neil Strauss article on some dating site and thought it was really good. Neil talks about a subject that hits home for me. Over coming shyness. Get rid of shyness Several years ago, a friend and I devised a plan to meet women. Since we were too intimidated to start conversations with

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Escaping the Rut

img Posted June 19, 2006

Here is a Derek Vitalio article that is definately worth reading. Slumps happen to everyone, even yours truly. The key to success is learning to overcome slumps, and become stronger because of them. Overcoming slumps with women It happens to everyone “ a destructive pattern sets in, and you struggle to get out of it.

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Using Your Mind For Seduction

img Posted June 1, 2006

Below is another Derek V. article about seduction. His stuff is definately worth reading. I’d say everything he puts out has atleast a couple good tips you can pick up.  Positive Thinking and Seduction Nothing can replace actually going out there and doing something. Nothing. That said, a LOT of learning CAN be done from…

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4 Keys to Over Coming Your Nervousness

img Posted May 30, 2006

Here is a good little article by John Alexander on overcoming nervousness. I think if most men could just tame this one area of their life, there pick up success would improve greatly. Overcoming Nervousness with Women Standing at the magazine rack thumbing through Cosmo, she has the most gorgeous face you’ve ever seen. Her

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Limiting Belief Exercise

img Posted May 8, 2006

Limiting Belief Exercise: Write down ten of your beliefs about your inability to be powerful and in supreme control over what is holding you back. – For each and every one of those beliefs, create a make-believe situation where that particular belief is not true and where you’re acting in a powerful way that contradicts

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Learning From Feedback From Woman

img Posted April 26, 2006

Here is a new Derek Vitalio article I think is useful for all the guys emailing me wondering if they fucked it up for good with a girl. I say don’t get all bent out of shape even if you did, there are many many more out there. Anyway, read the article below and keep

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The Right State and The Wrong State

img Posted April 16, 2006

Here is another Derek Vitalio article. This one is about the game in general and it makes a lot of sense. If you are too focuses on becoming a player, this is definately an article that you shoudl read. Leave me some comments letting me know what you think. The right Mental Attitude for dealing

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The PUA Creed

img Posted April 2, 2006

a post about inner game

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Conquer Shyness

img Posted March 30, 2006

A great article on overcoming shyness.

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