Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 11, 2007
Heres a great article by Sebastian of Master the Vibe about projecting confidence in the way that you walk. The Gunslinger Walk by Sebastian Drake Introduction to the ]]
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Posted May 31, 2007
Here is a long but worth reading Stephen Nash article on getting rid of that seed of doubt that is always lurking in your mind. If don’t already own his ebook “How to get a girlfriend” i suggest you check it out. Get rid of your insecurities by Stephen Nash What I’d like to do
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Posted April 16, 2007
As well as learning the art of seduction I am also an avid reader of all things that will better my life financially, emotionally, romantically, and spiritually. This article by Sebastian Master the Vibe is all about women but once you get the concept down you can apply it to any area of your life.
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Posted April 3, 2007
I always enjoy Sebastian’s articles. I genuinely find myself learning something new each time I read one of these. If any one has his ebook email me a review. I did write a review of his audio project Master the Vibe. Social Skills by Sebastian Drake “Why do some men achieve success, and others do
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Posted March 31, 2007
Antoher good post from Jay of the Pickup Arts Secrets of Inner Game by Jay Valens I want you to consider something you may not have before. Society presents us with contradictions to biology. Much of the advice we give you in these newsletters centers on social “norms” (even if they don’t seem normal) and
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Posted February 24, 2007
Below is Badboy’s Black Hole Theory. His ebook will be out March 1st. I highly recommend checking it out. Black Hole Theory by Badboy You’ve probably noticed that when you come home from a picking-up-girls session, you feel tired…extremly tired. Drained of energy. Sometimes girls open up, and give you energy right away and you
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Posted February 8, 2007
Below is another newsletter from the guys at Pickup Arts. It is all about dealing with rejection. – Bobby Fear of Rejection is Nothing by Jay Valens If pickup were a “natural resource” like oil or coal, we would all be out there thinking we were depleting that resource every time we talked to a
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Posted January 27, 2007
Here is another good post on confidence by Derek Vitalio. Maximum Confidence with Women by Derek Vitalio In Junior High, I knocked over a metal bar that guided the cafeteria line. As the divider clanged and echoed throughout the large room, a silence descended, waiting to see whether fight or flight was in order with
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Posted January 22, 2007
Good article by Derek Vitalio about developing a stronger mind frame. And as we all know confidence is the name of the game. Eliminate Negative Thoughts by Derek Vitalio School is a pretty interesting thing. Its only really been around for the past 150 years or so “ before that, what we now call schools
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Posted January 15, 2007
Here is a good inner game newsletter from the guys at Pickup Arts. It deals with self talk. Self talk can definately make or break your self esteem. Self Talk’s Effect on Self Esteem by Jay Valens How do you see yourself? I don’t mean what you see when you look in the mirror. What
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Posted December 16, 2006
Here is something I found in the Fast Seduction archives by the PUA Rio (not me) I always enjoy reading his posts and this one I thought was worth reposting here at the Seduction Bible. I had a day that wasn’t that busy today and while I sat there I remembered the one thing that
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