Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted June 19, 2008
Hagen Daz for Sundae. The whole point of spending all that time burning calories is to start burning the excess fat. If you’re filling yourself up with shitty foods, you’ll never get to the point where you’re body starts converting fat into energy. But it is important to get something in you. Not eating on
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Posted June 13, 2008
What I did not include on that list but is equally important is maintaining a fit body. I’m not saying that you have to look like David Beckham… but you know deep inside if you’re body can be improved upon. If you look in the mirror and see things jiggling, there is no excuse not
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Posted May 29, 2008
haven’t posted anything by Badboy in awhile but thought that this email I got from him was worth reposting. It seems that once aspiring pick up artists get comfortable opening, building attraction, they struggle in the comfort building phase. The comfort building phase is important in a seduction. A girl needs to feel safe around
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Posted April 24, 2008
Recently, I was doing a telephone Life Coaching session for a 19-year old young man named Dan. I am used to young men coming to me for confidence boosting and for improving their internal and external relationship with the opposite sex. This young man, though, had an additional problem that he and many others often
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Posted April 13, 2008
This article was submitted the site over the weekend. It was anonymous so I am not sure where it came from, but I did think it is an interesting article. Jeanna Bryner LiveScience Staff Writer Thu Apr 10, 11:25 AM ET Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a
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Posted April 8, 2008
Here is another of Sebastian Drake’s weekly column here at TSB Magazine. I look forward to this column because you can be sure that Drake is going to give you something that you can go out and use immediately. If you want to hear Sebsastian in action check out his great Master the Vibe program.
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