Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted December 9, 2008
How to Meet Girls Walking Down the Street Picking up girls on the street is easier than you think. The first thought that comes to your mind may be, “Girls don’t feel comfortable being hit on the street by random men.” Maybe, maybe not, but girls love being hit on by men who make them
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Posted December 8, 2008
Sell the Sizzle Not the Steak As some of you know I’ve been writing a lot of posts lately where I’ve related some tested sales and marketing techniques to the realm of dating science. I was browsing various marketing blogs and found this passage on the idea of “selling the sizzle” and thought that it
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Posted November 24, 2008
How to use Robert Cialdini’s Six Weapons of?Influence?to Seduce Women
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Posted November 18, 2008
The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above
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Posted November 13, 2008
Value Calibration in Pickup I once approached a girl a couple girls standing who were standing together at a frat party I was at. The girls were incredibly hot, so I went with high octane cocky funny… probably more cocky than funny. My thought was I needed to break through their bitch shields and get
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Posted November 10, 2008
Imitations isn’t only the sincerest form of flattery; Its also a powerful way to learn new skills. I’ve mentioned many times how I developed my sarcastic sense of humor by imitating Vince Vaughn and Jason Bateman. When he was 12 years old, Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins would stage Black Sabbath concerts in his
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Posted November 2, 2008
In The Four Hour Work Week Tim Ferriss points out that in today’s world the definition of an expert is largely created through the affiliations he or she belongs to, the testimonials they have, and the appearances they’ve made. This means that in order to coin yourself an expert in say, the real estate world,
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Posted October 30, 2008
Transitioning Into Attraction Let me tell you a secret. Unless you look like Brad Pitt you’re not going to create attraction with an opener. So give up the search for the perfect opener. It doesn’t exist. I repeat, no matter how functional an opener proves to be… it will seldom create any sort of meaningful
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Posted October 6, 2008
I just got this email from Sebastian Drake. I hadn’t heard from him in awhile, and have missed his regular column Drake’s Tech here at TSB. Once again Sebastian shells out some solid advice. I admit that I’ve made the mistake he talks about many times. And like he mentions at the end of the
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