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The 7 Seduction Archetypes

img Posted August 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above

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The Shit Test Formula

img Posted July 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Pass a Girl’s Shit Test What’s the right attitude for responding to a “shit test?” How should you respond when a girl throws one at you? This is a question I get a lot when I’m working with one of my private coaching clients. “Should I appear angry?” “Should I laugh it off”

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How to Arouse a Woman: The Secret to Sexual Attraction

img Posted July 9, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The Secrets to Making Her Horny and Aroused There are few things that empower a man more than his ability to arouse a woman sexually. But not every guy knows which buttons to push, since there seem to be so many, and each chick is wired differently. So to make things manageable, I present to

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How to Appear Less Needy When Talking to a Girl

img Posted June 7, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : I used to get really confused why a girl would so quickly go home with one of these guys. And I was always obsessed with figuring out “what did he SAY that was so special?” I’d watch them talking, and I’d see her reacting to him in a way girls NEVER reacted to me. It

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How To Get A Girlfriend

img Posted June 6, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Find and Keep a Girlfriend You Really Want DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girlfriend? Do you feel lacking inside, and hope a woman will complete you? Are you lonely and lost, and seek companionship and direction? Do you believe it?s the thing to do because all your friends are doing it? Well,

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We revamped our @tsbmagazine twitter account!

img Posted August 11, 2009

Letter from the Editor

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Mike Stoute Needs Your Help! (Playboy Mansion Adventure)

img Posted October 22, 2008

As you know, we went to the LA this past weekend researching and networking with some of the top dating coaches in the world to provide you with some awesome advice and great content. What you didn’t know is that we had the glorious opportunity to attend a party at the Playboy Mansion! Now we

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New member system in the works

img Posted September 4, 2008

Hey Folks, I apologize if you are having issues logging in at the moment, we are currently implementing a new member system that will allow us to share more things with you and improve functionality overall. So just hang in there…we hope to have the issue fixed by Monday. Then we will be releasing some

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How to Redo Your Wardrobe Part 2 – Mix and Match + $250

img Posted July 30, 2008

If you read the previous post in this series “The Throw Away”, then you have already gone through your entire wardrobe and thrown away what you didn’t need following the process I outlined. You have also looked at all the remaining items and studied them, either with photos, pen and paper or in your head

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Problems with the Forum Logins

img Posted June 20, 2008

We are currently aware of the problems with the forum logins. From all the recent upgrades and new site features the forum got screwed up somewhere. Don’t worry though, we are working on it and will have it fixed soon, hopefully by the beginning of next week. In the mean time, save your stories for

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More Pick Up Artist 2 Drama – Somewhat Positive?

img Posted May 6, 2008

Chase found this great video on the Pick Up Artist 2 Casting website, I am actually flattered that someone would make a video about me discussing the drama of it all. So here is to you Phoxx, throw this guys some votes, he seems pretty understanding.

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Vote Mike Stoute onto VH1’s The Pickup Artist 2

img Posted April 13, 2008

I uploaded 2 videos just to be sure at around 3:30PM on 5/7/2008 It is now 10:45PM and they have still not been approved, just making a note of it.. Update: With only one day left in round 2, the competition is really starting to heat up! In an effort to ensure that the hopefuls

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Why is everyone so worried about seduction going “Mainstream?”

img Posted April 10, 2008

Lately, guys are all complaining about how seduction is going “Main Stream” and sites like ours or shows like Mystery VH1 will “destroy” the community. What a bunch of bullsh*t! The only guys who are worried about this are the ones who generally have little or no Inner Game. Men who have established their own

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Some people have no patience…

img Posted March 23, 2008

No Patience! I run or shall I say, participate in a number of other business online and off. From time to time there are some great learning experiences as well as some funny stuff that happens. This is an audio clip that I saved off a voice mail that was received while away at a

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Being Comfortable Talking Dirty

img Posted February 25, 2008

Talking dirty to girls is something that I have struggled with for a long time. It is only now that I feel “pretty” comfortable doing it, still with some hesitancy. I am sure that this comes to some men pretty easily, but I just didn’t to me. There I was, enjoying some great sex when

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