Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted December 3, 2012
The calendar has rolled over from November to the last month of the year, which means that you’re about to get deluged with a whole bunch of invites to holiday events. Maybe a work event. Maybe you’re heading back home for Christmas and there’s a mini high school reunion at the bar. Maybe some friends
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Posted November 30, 2012
Texting is always difficult. There’s a weird mine field that you have to navigate that you can’t really see at all. Not only do you have to worry about people possibly not reading your tone right — as anyone who has ever tried to be sarcastic during a texting session before can attest to —
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Posted November 29, 2012
If you?re like me, ABC?s TGIF lineup was your go-to Friday night ?event? when you were growing up. It was cooler than Power Rangers and Boyz II Men combined. And if you?re like me, you used to watch ?Boy Meets World? religiously. C?mon, you know you used to swoon over Topanga and wish you were
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Posted November 26, 2012
Christmas is a very tough holiday when it comes to relationships. It’s where all of the bad stuff that has been lingering below the surface gets pushed to the top and you’re forced to deal with it. One person not super into the relationship while the other is ready to give up everything? Well, you’re
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Posted November 23, 2012
Fall is almost over, meaning that the greatest time of the year in regards to fashion is almost over. There’s nothing quite like walking around wearing a full pair of pants — not all of those shorts, which, c’mon, grow up guys! — and a jacket as the trees spit leaves down on you. It
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Posted November 21, 2012
Beer is great. We love beer. There are few things better than drinking a nice, cold, brewed beverage, especially as the weather begins to turn a bit colder and we need that pure warmth in our gut. But there are also plenty of myths about the lovely beverage that we all love. Myths that have
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Posted November 19, 2012
It’s Movember still — have you been growing your mustache, guys? — so our mind is definitely still on prostrate cancer and our ability to get it. And if you’re a guy, well, this should also be on your mind. But instead of just looking for ways to treat this once you get it, you
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Posted November 16, 2012
Working out is tough. It’s not so much the actual physical act of working out, running the mile or two, or maybe doing a few pushups or pull-ups at the ol’ gym. Physically, if you train hard enough you can actually accomplish that feat. But there’s a mental thing going on when you workout as
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Posted November 14, 2012
We’ll say this before getting into the rest of this post: We love coffee. We start every day with it, and don’t feel quite like ourselves until we have a few cups to get us going. But at the same time, we realize this is the same thing that someone who is addicted to a
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