Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted December 16, 2008
Relationship experts over at Heriot Watt University expermented on a bunch of people and came to the following conclusion… Romantic comedy fans are more likely to believe in completely unrealistic things like that love is predestined, that if a person is meant to be with you they will know what you want without you telling
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Posted December 16, 2008
This gadet is pretty nifty. You attach part of it to any smooth surface (a milk carton, a window or? my rock hard abs) and it will turn it into a gaint speaker. Pretty Ballsey IMHO… You can pick it up over at the Japan Trend Shop for around $90
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Posted December 15, 2008
Dave M has been putting out a series of great online dating videos.? I’ve been recommending Dave’s course Insider Internet Dating for a couple of years now, and it seems other people are finally waking up to just how good the course is. If you missed his last video… I highly recommend checking this one
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Posted December 15, 2008
Ah, Christmas Time a time filled with honey-glazed turkeys, creamy puddings, heaps and heaps of potatoes and, of course, alcohol. However tasty all these things may be, eat them every day for a week, and youll be making all the kids think youre Santa Claus himself. So, Ive devised a list of protein loaded, super-powered
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Posted December 15, 2008
Every now and then get have this weird urge to watch Mike Tyson beat people to a pulp. Something about him screams “The American Dream” He rocked a pet tigers, a mansion and blew through his fortune. I think that this video is proof that Mike Tyson wasn’t a boxer, he was a street fighter…
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Posted December 15, 2008
I wish I had one of these last night. Not because I wanted to know if I was drunk, but maybe it would have warned me before I started tossing my cookies all over the limo. I’m seriously thinking about You can pick on up over at for 70 bucks or so.
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Posted December 13, 2008
Its Saturday once again, which means it is time to do our weekly roundup of all the things I’ve found interested from a week of surfing the internet. Each week I take the best of what I come across, and pass it along to all of you. Enjoy! Best Weekend Reading Dave M putted out
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Posted December 11, 2008
Maybe one of our readers can explain this to me… I understand that in US Hockey fighting is for the most part, permitted. This whole video is one game where basically everyone on the ice is fighting so here’s my question: Is there some type of unspoken rule regarding hockey fights where the two goalies
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Posted December 11, 2008
Newly single hot country singing teen Taylor Swift recently recounted a couple of her rules for dating.? Its funny that even a hot famous girl like Taylor still feels like the has to play games. I guess after Taylor got dumped by one of those Jonas punks she figured it was time she learned some
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Posted December 11, 2008
I guess Jennifer Aniston is never going to leave the spot light. I hope my future actress/model/singer girlfriend will still be gracing the covers of men’s magazines at the rip old age of 39. While the magazine doesn’t hit the newsstands December 23, you can check out the cover below.
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Posted December 10, 2008
Personally I always thought this was common sense, but research on Rats now proves that the ones in shape had better sex then the lazy ones. Exercising gave them more testosterone and improved activity in the way they processed chemicals responsible for causing an erection. I’m going to play the bigger man and ignore the
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