Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted May 10, 2015
Finals Suck. They stress you out. Sometimes, they make you feel like you’re an idiot and everybody else is border-line genius. It puts you under pressure and your teacher just sits there, looking at you. Not just looking at you, but that look like they just got the last laugh or know something you don’t.
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Posted May 9, 2015
10. He keeps staring at your target; basically saying “my friend wants to lay your tile” You spent all night proving to the hottest girl on the dance team that she isn’t as cool as she thinks she is and you are indeed the man. You have her half a drink and one giggle away
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Posted May 9, 2015
As much as everybody will always say “that party was sick!” or sing their praises about random parties, few will always hold a place in your memory. Sure, you’ll have your share of good times and parties, but you’ll always remember that legendary one. Here is how to step up to the plate and be
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Posted May 8, 2015
What the hell is it? Hydroxycut is a top-selling weight loss product.? It comes in caplets, packets, capsules, and shots.? Hydroxycut works by mimicking and intensifying the adrenergic hormones. As stated on the site Diet pills compared, the human body has three broad heat modulators: the thyroid hormones, adrenergic hormones, and the prostaglandin hormones. The
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Posted May 7, 2015
Poker is a great game. The problem with most people, is that they are skeptical of people rigging it, especially online. Thankfully, this is almost never a problem. Online industries constantly work to ensure that the cards are as random as possible. The online gaming sites make their money off the rake and entry fees
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Posted May 6, 2015
Workout Playlist: A Little Auditory Assistance at the Gym What’s worse than working out? Working out to no music. And don’t give me that “they play music on the radio” bullshit. It’s either to low to give a damn, or too loud to distract you and get on your nerves. You might as well be
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