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The Power Of A Pull Up

img Posted November 18, 2016

The dreaded pull up! It still puts the fear in me as I remember trying to do “a pull up” in gym class for the presidential fitness award or whatever it might have been called. All I know is this… I could barely do one! Fast forward about 20 years and I can bust out

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6 Handy, Healthy Ways to Fight Off Heart Disease

img Posted November 17, 2016

Kiwi might not be the simplest and most convenient fruit to take with you to the office, or to the gym, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth finding a new way to introduce it to your diet. This furry, and often bizarre fruit has been proven to reduce triglyceride levels by up to

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The 8 Easiest Ways to receive better Sleep Tonight

img Posted November 10, 2016

Let’s face it, if we missed this off our list we’d be ignoring one of the best ways to really have a profound night. Doctors and psychologists alike agree that the best way to earn an amazing night’s sleep is to have sex ? particularly with someone you care about. The act is enough to

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The Four Fantastic Fruits You should be Eating Every Day

img Posted November 3, 2016

An apple a day really could keep the doctor away according to studies. The flavonoid polymers found in apples are brimming with enzymes that can be used to digest and remove simple sugars, which means that instead of stocking sugar up as fat, your body helps to flush more of it outside of your system.

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Easy Options to Burn more Fat on a Busy Schedule

img Posted October 27, 2016

Your choice of morning beverage could actually make all of the difference between a super-charged body, and a super-sized one. A cup of coffee with milk and sugar hides an extra one hundred calories to your breakfast when compared to an average Americano. If you’re not a fan of bitter coffee, you can always boost

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