Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted July 11, 2008
This is day 22 of our 31 Days to Better Game series.? We are trying to cover all the bases in this series.? We’ve given you plenty of ammunition so far for attracting girls, flirting, getting dates, and building sexual tension. Today’s lesson is changing gears for a day to talk about something equally important.
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Posted July 9, 2008
Proven Ways to Naturally Boost Testosterone There seems to be a huge fascination with guys taking steroids lately. Obviously the major reason being that the increase in most anabolic steroids produce causes extraordinary gains in muscle mass. In addition to the gains in muscle mass many guys become addicted to the adrenaline rush of having
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Posted July 7, 2008
I went to see the movie Wanted this weekend and it reminded me of an article I’ve been meaning to write for awhile. The movie begins with the daily monotony of an office job. Much like the character’s in Office Space, Fight Club, and a slew of other movies, the main character sits in a
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Posted July 2, 2008
In a recent article I wrote on avoiding fashion blunders I talked about how first impressions are hard to change. Before you even open your mouth people are making judgments about you based on your appearance. The first clues that people notice are things like your sense of fashion, weight, posture, haircut, and the condition
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Posted June 30, 2008
There is a dirty rumor in the pick-up community claiming it is better to stay sober when gaming women in bars and clubs. We can argue semantics… but I’ll just say you’ll never see Bobby Rio clinging to a club soda. Yea… you’re game tends to be a little tighter when you’re not red faced,
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Posted June 23, 2008
production line like a common automobile. They all have the same look and feel, and there are few options to personalize the boat. (it’s not a boat it’s a Yacht) How you going to feel when some newly rich mortgage broker is cruising around in the same yacht as you? Not so hot, right? Not
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Posted April 27, 2008
There is a special place in my heart for indie hipster chicks. Aficionados of all things trendy it appears the green is the new black. Here’s a couple things I’ve come across in my travels… Recycled Beer Bottles: Personally I’ll add this to the “When I win the lottery” folder, but check out uncommon goods
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Posted February 18, 2008
As some of you know, I am an avid reader. I read everything; blogs, magazines, novels, biographies, self help, ebooks, and short stories. I’ve found that you can learn much about life through all of these mediums. I first began reading self improvement books back in college. I can honestly say my life has improved
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Posted February 11, 2008
A great way to listen to our podcasts and have an interesting prop at the same time. I found these Retro Cassette player Ipod case over on Gearfuse. I’m sure many of the younger folk on here don’t even know what a cassette player Walkman is. But it will definitely bring back some nostalgia for
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