Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
Posted November 28, 2011
Anyone who has been alive long enough has been guilty of making the wrong decision when the right one was glaringly obvious.?It’s easy to laugh when someone else does it.?But when you are the sucker, it isn’t so easy to let it role off of your back. You adopt the universal mantra of stupid-mistake-makers everywhere:??I
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Posted November 25, 2011
It’s been too long since we talked about the film industry in this column, and no, we’re not going to be talking about more actors. Guys like Richard Harris are a rare breed ? most actors are fairly pedestrian in their lifestyles, or spoiled by success in a degenerate Roman emperor kind of way. I
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Posted November 23, 2011
Vodka is one on the list of many things that I just didn?t get. Part of it could have been the fact that the people I remember drinking vodka always drank Popov vodka and so I?ve kept away from it ever since. However, I?m older now and I don?t have friends that lug around 1.75
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Posted November 23, 2011
The holidays are upon us. For many, that means time spent at awkward family dinners where we have to pretend to find Aunt Ethel?s Tofurkey delicious and trips to the mall where every nutcase and their mom seems to be Christmas shopping. You can see how it?s easy to lose your mind during this ?joyous?
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Posted November 22, 2011
When TSB asked me to write a column about self-made men, I thought: it’s about time. Finally, the world can learn about this important distinction of manhood from its purest source, a cat-owning bachelor who spends the better portion of his day writing humor columns in his underwear. But what is a self-made man, exactly?
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Posted November 22, 2011
Between picking your grandma up from the airport, babysitting your nieces and nephews, setting up the table, and heading down to the supermarket for a last-minute cranberry sauce run, you?re bound to have little time to exercise around Thanksgiving. Not only that, but you?ll be surrounded by food that would send any dietitian running. Be
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Posted November 22, 2011
Ok, after living in Los Angeles for a while I can definitely say words that I never thought I?d ever say in my life: it is possible to be too skinny. It kind of crept up on me, but after you?ve seen a few too many of the faces that don?t look too much different
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Posted November 21, 2011
You’ve probably heard it from politicians, news anchors, and even your peers: ?Everyone suffers during and economic slump.?You just have to wait it out.? That might be true, but the idea of simply waiting for the bad times to pass might not be as valid as it seems.?Maniacal CNBC personality Jim Cramer is famous for
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Posted November 18, 2011
Our Cursed Blessing Have you ever wondered why sites like TSB exist? Don?t you find it strange that men would have to strive to improve their lives? If we think back even a few hundred years, would a better life have even been a possibility? For most us, we would have been working long hours,
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Posted November 17, 2011
If there’s one thing I hope to discredit with this column, it’s the idea that science is dull and fact-obsessed and full of nerds who can’t have fun. Scientists are crazy, and not always in a marketable, Charlie Sheen kind of way. Some of them are misguided (Sergei Bryukhonenko, Giovanni Aldini), some cross over into
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Posted November 17, 2011
For the next foray into travel to the Bahamas, after examining New Providence, Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands, it?s Bimini. I just have two words to conjure up all you need to know about this island ? Ernest Hemingway. When you?re talking about adventure and men?s men, it?s rare to find someone that embodies
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