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The 7 Seduction Archetypes

img Posted August 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above

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The Shit Test Formula

img Posted July 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Pass a Girl’s Shit Test What’s the right attitude for responding to a “shit test?” How should you respond when a girl throws one at you? This is a question I get a lot when I’m working with one of my private coaching clients. “Should I appear angry?” “Should I laugh it off”

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How to Arouse a Woman: The Secret to Sexual Attraction

img Posted July 9, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The Secrets to Making Her Horny and Aroused There are few things that empower a man more than his ability to arouse a woman sexually. But not every guy knows which buttons to push, since there seem to be so many, and each chick is wired differently. So to make things manageable, I present to

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How to Appear Less Needy When Talking to a Girl

img Posted June 7, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : I used to get really confused why a girl would so quickly go home with one of these guys. And I was always obsessed with figuring out “what did he SAY that was so special?” I’d watch them talking, and I’d see her reacting to him in a way girls NEVER reacted to me. It

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How To Get A Girlfriend

img Posted June 6, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Find and Keep a Girlfriend You Really Want DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girlfriend? Do you feel lacking inside, and hope a woman will complete you? Are you lonely and lost, and seek companionship and direction? Do you believe it?s the thing to do because all your friends are doing it? Well,

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Band In Review: Dirty Heads

img Posted February 12, 2010

Every now and then, we get information regarding various music acts in this great nation of ours. And seeing as our jobs are to disseminate information to you fine folks, we sometimes spread that information along if we feel that it’s valuable. And something like this, is. Today, we introduce to you the Dirty Heads,

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Rad ArtWatch: The Human Synthesizer

img Posted August 17, 2009

Since the beginning of time, when the first caveman painting the first interpretative cave painting on his wall, women have always wanted to bang artists. They’re the ones who “get it”, the ones who have no qualms about showing their emotions, the dark tormented souls that girls try, constantly, to “fix” and become happier individuals.

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@quietprojects is making the “Pick Up Artist” Musical

img Posted August 12, 2009

So now that I am taking full control of the TSB twitter account (and neglecting my personal one a little), I have come across so much stuff! I was going to wait to post this but after watching it I couldn’t wait. This is hilarious! I guess some kids in Seattle, Washington “Quiet Projects” decided

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Mashup Radness: “Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit Up”

img Posted July 27, 2009

I’ve never been one to get into these “musical mashups” that have been taking up far too much of the Internet’s bandwidth over the past few years. Sure, some of them are kind of catchy and fun, but in most cases the whole concept of the mashup is just an excuse to put some shitty

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The 8 Most Blockbuster Movie Soundtracks of All Time

img Posted July 1, 2009

Each summer, we get all hyped up for a bunch of big blockbuster releases. Terminator! Lord of the Rings! Star Wars! Yet it is only every so often a movie comes along that makes you want to get up and dance more than sit around stuffing your face with greasy popcorn, which is really all

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The Only Good Thing To Ever Come Out Of The Auto-Tuner

img Posted June 25, 2009

The Auto-Tuner: An audio processor that uses a “phase recorder” to correct the pitch of vocal performers who have barely any singing ability, like Cher. This, in turn, tricks music executives and those strutting their stuff on the dance floor into thinking that the auto-tuned music is actually decent, thus allowing for the proliferation of

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Illinois is going on tour!

img Posted June 10, 2009

A little while back we did an interview with the band Illinois in the basement of Mercury Lounge. Then we all headed upstairs and had a bunch of drinks together. It was a good night, they were fun guys and we got to hear some good music. Well it sees that they are kicking things

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