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All posts by Vin DiCarlo


    Stuff to Keep at Your Place for Female Company

    img Posted October 3, 2011

    I recently moved into a new apartment. One of my first priorities was to make sure my place was ready for female company. I don?t mean that I installed shag carpeting, put candles ...


    How Sports Are the Same As Dating

    img Posted September 26, 2011

    Golf is Like Hunting Old men love this game. And some young guys too, but they are much more mature than I was at their age. Or maybe it?s not maturity, but calm. [caption id=\ ...


    How to Hook Up With Her Friends

    img Posted September 19, 2011

    All too often, we meet a cute girl, only to realize that all her friends are cute too! Men like to have sex with lots of women, and that?s a good thing! If this weren?t the case, w ...


    How to Deal with the Peanut Gallery

    img Posted September 12, 2011

    Most guys have anxiety about approaching a woman they don?t know. This is the reason why guys drink too much when they go out. But the reason for this anxiety usually goes unrea ...


    Besides Her Body … What to Love

    img Posted September 5, 2011

    Women like (or dislike) men for their personalities. And they know that their bodies are only ?useful? for one fuck. It?s their personality that will keep a good man. So women valu ...


    The Things I Like Best About Women

    img Posted August 29, 2011

    The fuel for your interactions with women is your love for them. Most guys see women as an opportunity to hump to orgasm. This attitude ignores how beautiful and fun women can be. ...

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