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All posts by Sam Brinson
6 Ways Sleep Can Make You More Successful
Posted October 19, 2015
There\'s a big problem with the way some people are expected to work -- without sleep. So many are not only asked but expected to work overtime. People take work home with them ...
The Scary Way Your Job Could Be Harming Your Health
Posted October 15, 2015
Nobody likes to work a job they hate, even if the money\'s good. But of course we\'ll put up with it, if the money is?really?good, or we have no other choice. We do it because ...
How To Avoid These Three Muscle-Building Myths
Posted October 12, 2015
There\'s a lot of information out there, people say that one things works, others say they don\'t, one study shows the benefits to one method, another shows no results. It can ...
Vitamin D May Be the Most Important Nutrient You Need
Posted October 8, 2015
Take a walk along any nice beach in the summer and take in all the glimmering, orange tinted bodies crowding the shore. Yes, the sun is great for a tan, and that\'s what it see ...
4 Ways to Get Energized Without Caffeine
Posted October 5, 2015
I like coffee for the taste. It\'s delicious. But I understand that some people take it for its energizing features, coffee?as a pick-me-up is a tradition used world-wide. Scie ...
Use the Scientific Method to Take Control of Your Training
Posted October 1, 2015
Science has a lot to say about exercise. It can tell us what works and what doesn\'t, why it is that way, and how our bodies work in general. The further science goes, the bett ...